Date Submitted: 08/06/2024 09:29 AM



            In addition to the factors of quality, reputation, and investment costs, factory construction standards are also one of the important factors that business owners are interested in when planning construction. The construction of warehouses, workshops, and industrial factories needs to follow a professional process. Steps are taken in accordance with the provisions of law.


             Normally, standards will include many parts such as: design drawings, surveys and construction permits. Issues related to costs, labor, and labor safety. So what are the standards for building industrial factories?

    1. What are industrial factory construction standards?

             This is an important factor to evaluate the quality of factory works. Grasping the requirements when building such a modern industrial project, customers will not be passive in the process of negotiating, exchanging and negotiating contracts with the construction contractor, as well as see the true quality of the project after it is handed over by the contractor.


             Construction standards in general and industrial factory construction in particular are not only things recorded through the practical experience of each expert, these things are also stipulated in construction decisions. of the Law as follows:

    • Vietnam Construction Code, Volume 1 issued by the Ministry of Construction, accompanied by Decision No. 682/BXD-CSXD dated December 14, 1996.
    • Vietnam Construction Code Volume 2.3 issued by the Ministry of Construction, accompanied by Decision No. 439/QD-BXD dated September 25, 1997.


            In particular, quality factory construction standards will require basic things such as: Construction location, scale of the entire project, Total floor area of ​​the product, connections between categories. internal items of the entire product, along with the design and construction plan for that project.

    (Photo of the Avant Tech factory construction project by Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd.)

    >>> See more: Regulations on emergency exit doors for factory construction


    2. Must-have industrial factory construction standards

           Factory construction standards are expressed specifically in many different aspects such as:

    • The project has design standards, along with the general quality of all products constructed and handed over to customers by the contractor. This design standard is especially important because if old technologies are applied on design drawings, customers will certainly not be satisfied. Therefore, contractors must always update all modern design trends and introduce new technologies to emphasize the characteristics and features of the project to attract customers, as well as create good impressions on them.
    • Factory construction standards must also be expressed in the details of the design and construction of the steel frame structure of the project to ensure the load when exposed to the impacts of the external environment.
    • The main industrial factory is built but must also be accompanied by many other types of buildings such as: Warehouses, manufacturing workshops, auxiliary works such as public, sanitary, common living areas...
    • Installation standards

    - The interior equipment, lighting equipment, and electrical equipment constructed and installed inside the building meet the best quality standards. Ensuring maximum safety and fire prevention.

    - The wastewater drainage system, garbage and waste treatment system, and clean water supply system must ensure quality so that it is safe to use and does not create air pollution or adversely affect health. of the surrounding people.

    - Standards related to the structure and techniques inside the building in general and the products inside in particular must also be guaranteed. Complete, outstanding, with its own mark...

    - Standards for ventilation and air conditioning systems along with safety, security, and fire protection systems must also be paid attention to and ensure the best quality.

             For different industrial project items, there will be separate construction standards, suitable to the nature and purpose of use. Therefore, before planning construction, investors and businesses need to learn about regulations and also seek advice from construction units to have sustainable, quality projects.


    3. Important notes when constructing the factory

    • The factory's foundation

    The foundation is the core and most important structure of any construction project. Modern factories are no exception.
    When designing this part, architects need to pay attention to expressing the technical specifications in the most complete and detailed way. The materials and details used to make the foundation must meet the established regulations and standards, ensuring sufficient conditions for project implementation and construction. 
    Choose the location of the foundation, for each different ground there will be different treatment methods. If the factory is built on soft soil or mud, the foundation needs to be reinforced using pressed piles, bored piles, etc. If the factory is built on hard ground, the foundation can be built as follows: normally without the need for additional foundation reinforcement such as pile pressing or melaleuca pile driving.


    (Photo of the construction project of AVANT TECH company's factory by Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. as the contractor)

    • Factory background

    Depending on the function of use, the design unit has the most reasonable implementation methods. In addition, the thickness of the concrete base layer also needs to be paid attention to. 
    Depending on the nature of production and activities that the investor requires to use machinery with large or small tonnage, the base concrete thickness is changed accordingly, concrete thickness ranges from 10, 20 mm. , 30 or 50cm.

    After the factory concrete is completed, to increase its durability, there will usually be an additional step of rubbing the floor and painting an epoxy layer on the floor to prevent dust and make it easier to clean.

    • The structure of the modern factory

    During the construction process, investors and architects need to discuss regularly to agree on the appropriate number of columns, trusses, beams, and purlins at the factory, avoiding the case of missing one of the above factors causing problems. affecting the quality of the project or causing waste.
    The factory's steel columns and steel trusses need to have a sufficient design, avoiding insufficient or excess steel arrangement. According to normal factory design standards, 1 meter is about 20-32kg of steel depending on the size of the factory and the investment cost of the business.

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    • Choose a reputable and quality contractor

    This is probably the most important factor in important notes when constructing a factory because one of the factors that make up the quality of the project is the human resources for design and construction. The skills of the workforce need to be professional and have extensive knowledge of this field, to ensure the project is built with the best quality. 
    To be able to choose a reputable and quality construction unit. You can consider many factors such as the unit's completed projects, legal procedures, design consultation, accompanying support services, team of architects and engineers, and at the same time have Warranty policies for the project after completion.

     (Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Company Limited team at The groundbreaking ceremony for the factory of Yuan Hong Metal Vietnam Co., Ltd)


            With a team of experienced and highly specialized architects and engineers, Hung Nghiep Phu always provides investors and businesses with the best solutions when consulting on the design and construction of current civil and industrial projects. 



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