Date Submitted: 10/06/2024 10:07 AM



       In the field of factory construction, accurately determining height standards plays an extremely important role, directly affecting production efficiency, labor safety and overall aesthetics of the project. This article will provide you with detailed information about factory height standards for each industry, along with important notes to keep in mind when choosing the appropriate height:

    1. Some important height measurements to consider

    1.1. Clearance height

          Clear height is the distance from the factory floor to the lowest point of the beam or roof:

    - The clear height of the factory ranges from 7-10 meters.

    - Directly affects the ability to move machinery, equipment, trucks, and goods in the factory.

    - The minimum clear height required depends on each type of industry.


    1.2. Roof peak height

          Roof peak height is the distance from the factory floor to the highest point of the roof: Roof peak height ranges from 9.8 - 14 meters. Affects drainage, ventilation, and factory capacity. Needs to be designed to suit the climatic conditions and aesthetic requirements of the project.


    1.3. Door height

          Door height is the distance from the factory floor to the bottom edge of the door:

    - Need to ensure enough for trucks, forklifts, and workers to easily enter and exit the factory.

    - Need to match the size of machinery and equipment used in the factory - workshop.


    1.4. Handrail height

          Handrail height is the distance from the floor to the top edge of the handrail:

    - Need to ensure safety for workers when working at height.

    - Minimum specified in labor safety standards.


    1.5. Ventilation system height

          Ventilation system height is the distance from the factory floor to the air inlet or exhaust door:

    - It is necessary to ensure good air circulation in the factory - factory.

    - Needs to be consistent with the system's capacity and the aesthetic requirements of the project.

          Besides, in factory construction, there are also some other height measurements such as machine base height, shelf height, stair height, etc. These height measurements need to be designed to suit the needs. use and ensure safety for workers.


    >> See more:  Factory construction processes and standards

    Một số định lượng chiều cao quan trọng cần quan tâm


    2. Reference table for factory height standards according to some popular types of industry

    Type of industry Clearance height (m) Roof peak height (m) Note
    Mechanical manufacturing industry

    7 – 10

    9,8 – 14

    Suitable for large sized machinery and equipment that require spacious space to operate.
    Textile industry

    6 – 8

    8,6 – 12

    Ensure enough space for production activities and storage of raw materials and finished products.
    Food processing industry

    5 – 7

    7,5 -h 11

    Attention should be paid to food hygiene and safety requirements and good ventilation to avoid the accumulation of odors.

    5 – 6

    7,5 – 10

    Ensuring high accuracy in the production process requires a clean, dust-free working environment.
    Warehouse industry

    8 – 12

    10,8 – 16

    Suitable for storing goods of diverse sizes and weights, requiring convenient loading and unloading space.
    Automobile manufacturing industry

    8 – 12

    11 – 16

    Suitable for automatic assembly lines with large sized robots.
    Shipbuilding industry

    10 – 15

    14 – 20

    Suitable for building and repairing large ships.

    6 – 8

    8,6 – 12

    It is necessary to ensure fire safety requirements and good ventilation to avoid toxic gas leakage.
    Footwear industry

    5 – 7

    7,5 – 11

    It is necessary to ensure a clean and well-ventilated working environment to avoid the growth of mold and bacteria.
    Paper manufacturing industry

    8 – 12

    10,8 – 16

    Suitable for large-sized machinery and equipment that require spacious space to operate.


    3. The importance of factory height standards

          Factory height standards play an important role in ensuring the safety, efficiency and aesthetics of the project, specifically as follows:

    Tiêu chuẩn chiều cao nhà xưởng theo một số loại hình công nghiệp(Illustration)

    3.1. Minimize the risk of falls

           Reasonable factory height helps limit the risk of falling from height, especially during construction, repair, and maintenance work. The application of safety measures such as railings, safety nets, and safety belts becomes even more effective when construction height is controlled.


    3.2. Improved vision

          The height when building a factory is high enough to help workers have better visibility, thereby minimizing the risk of collision with machinery, equipment, or other obstacles.

    >>> You may like: 9 lighting standards in factory construction


    3.3. Create ventilation conditions

          Appropriate height helps create good ventilation in workshops and factories, contributing to improving the quality of the working environment, minimizing the risk of suffocation due to lack of oxygen or accumulation of toxic gases.


    3.4. Limit noise

          The height when building a factory can help reduce noise from outside, create a quieter working environment, and protect the hearing health of workers.


    3.5. Make the most of the area

          High construction height helps increase usable space, creating conditions for arranging more machinery, equipment, production lines, or storing goods.


    3.6. Improve air circulation

         Higher construction heights help better air circulation, facilitate heat exchange, and reduce heat, especially important for industries that use furnaces, boilers, or other other heat source.


    3.7. Easy installation and maintenance

          Reasonable construction height makes installation and maintenance of machinery and equipment easier and more convenient, saving time and costs.


    3.8. Increase aesthetics

    - Appropriate construction height contributes to creating a beautiful, modern overall architecture for industrial parks and factories.

    - A factory with a balanced height in harmony with the surrounding landscape will create a good impression and attract everyone's attention.


    Tầm quan trọng của tiêu chuẩn chiều cao nhà xưởng(Illustration)


    4. Detailed steps to determine height standards in factory construction

    Step 1: Determine the type of industry

          Each industry has its own characteristics in terms of production processes, machinery and equipment used, and working environmental conditions. Therefore, factory height standards also need to be adjusted to suit each industry.

          For example, the mechanical manufacturing industry needs higher factory heights than the textile industry due to the use of larger sized machinery and equipment.


    Step 2: Assess production scale

           Large production scale requires more spacious factory area, therefore higher construction height is needed to meet space needs.

           It is necessary to determine the number of products, output, and expected capacity of machinery and equipment to evaluate production scale.


    Step 3: Determine technology characteristics

           Some production technologies require the use of large-sized machinery and equipment or require a well-ventilated space to operate. Therefore, the factory height needs to be designed to suit the characteristics of these types of machinery and equipment.

          For example, the automobile manufacturing industry needs higher factory heights than the garment industry due to the use of automatic assembly lines with large robots.


    Step 4: Determine safety factors

          Construction height should ensure worker safety, including limiting the risk of falls, providing good ventilation, and minimizing noise.

          Refer to regulations on labor safety in industrial activities to determine specific requirements for factory height.

    Step 5: Refer to regulations and standards

          Refer to regulations and standards on factory construction height prescribed by law and Vietnamese construction practices:

    - TCVN 5001:2007 – Vietnam Construction Code – Houses and industrial buildings;

     - Vietnamese construction practices – Industrial factory design regulations.

    Step 6: Choose the appropriate construction height

          Based on the information collected in the above steps, choose the appropriate construction height for your factory.

          It is necessary to ensure that the construction height meets all requirements for type of industry, production scale, technological characteristics, safety, and aesthetics.


    Step 7: Consult experts

          You should consult experts on industrial factory design to get the most optimal solution. Experts with experience and expertise will help you choose the appropriate construction height, ensuring safety, efficiency and cost savings.

          By performing the above steps in a detailed and scientific manner, you can determine the factory height standard suitable for your project or contact Hung Nghiep Phu immediately to easily create a project. safe, effective and aesthetic.

    Các bước xác định tiêu chuẩn chiều cao trong xây dựng nhà xưởng


            With the detailed information and important notes shared in this article, we hope you have gained the necessary knowledge to choose the appropriate height standard in factory construction for your project. Remember, factory height not only affects operational efficiency but also contributes to the safety and aesthetics of the project, thereby increasing its value and affirming your brand position.


            If customers are looking for information about comprehensive solutions in civil and industrial construction, please contact Hung Nghiep Phu immediately for advice!



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     Website: xaydunghunnghiepphu.com

     Gmail: kinhdoanh01@xaydunghunnghiepphu.com

    Address: No. 2034D, Group 22, Phuoc Thai Quarter, Thai Hoa Ward, Tan Uyen Town, Binh Duong Province

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