Date Submitted: 31/08/2024 02:40 PM


For any construction project, the transportation system is extremely important. Stairs in the design of houses and villas play the role of participating in vertical traffic of the building, connecting the floors in the house. Especially the construction and design of reinforced concrete stairs in civil construction today. So how to design reinforced concrete stairs? Follow the article below with Hung Nghiep Phu!

Currently, reinforced concrete stairs are very popular due to their many advantages, gradually replacing traditional types of stairs such as wooden stairs, steel stairs...

    1. Advantages and disadvantages of reinforced concrete stairs

    Reinforced concrete stairs have many advantages: solid, long lasting, highly fire resistant, and can create many beautiful shapes, therefore reinforced concrete stairs are widely used in most architectural projects. bamboo. Especially in civil housing projects from 2-storey house designs or more.

    The disadvantage of reinforced concrete stairs is that they are quite heavy and difficult to repair.

    2. Types of reinforced concrete stairs

    Reinforced concrete stairs have 2 types including: Entire reinforced concrete stairs and assembled reinforced concrete stairs. Characteristics and design structure of these types of reinforced concrete stairs are as follows:

    2.1 Structure and design of the entire reinforced concrete staircase

    Thiết kế cầu thang bê tông cốt thép toàn khối​

    (Illustration, source: Internet)

    Entire reinforced concrete staircase design: This type of staircase is constructed on site (formwork is assembled, steel is placed and concrete is poured on site). Therefore, it is not limited by standardized conditions, it is possible to design rich and diverse forms as desired, the structure has high sustainability, but the construction speed is slow, consuming a lot of formwork (formwork). Entire reinforced concrete stairs can be divided into slab and beam structures.

    This type is often applied to single-unit (not typical) projects, where there are many types and sizes of stairs in the house, with a small number of similar staircases.

    The structure of the entire reinforced concrete staircase is as follows:

    - There are basically 2 different types of reinforced concrete ladders:

    • Load-bearing plate type of ladder (no reinforced beams).
    • Slab-type month section with load-bearing beams.

    - Load-bearing slab-type staircase (no reinforced beam):

    • The main structure is an inclined reinforced concrete slab that bears the entire load of the stairs. The main bearing direction is along the slab, with brick steps built above. Normally, the load-bearing plate is attached to the stair beam at the upper and lower ends of the staircase (where it borders the landing plane and reaches it). There are also cases where people make an inclined slab with the staircase attached to the landing slab, projecting it to form a load-bearing folded slab without any horizontal beams (beams).
    • This type should only be designed for stairs with a length <= 3m in slab thickness
    • Concrete is thicker than the type with reinforced beams (usually 100:120 thick)

    - Slab type ladder with load-bearing beams (Centre beams are beams inclined along the stair tread, can be located at the edge or inside the stair tread depending on the design).

    Thang có dầm cốn chịu lực: Dầm cốn nghiêng, cong theo chiều dọc của thang bộ

    (Illustration, source: Internet)

    • ​The main structure is a slab combined with load-bearing beams. The advantage is that it is possible to overcome large lengths of the staircase thanks to the reinforced beam, thinner slab thickness (50:80). Depending on the width of the staircase because the main bearing direction is in the horizontal direction of the slab. Corrugated beams are also placed on horizontal beams at the top and bottom ends or connected to vertical beams placed on the wall.
    • Steps of this type can be made of brick or cast in reinforced concrete in a saw-tooth shape instead of a ladder.
    • The height and thickness of the beam also depends on the length and width of the ladder.

    For example, a ladder 3m long, 1.4m wide has 2 beams on both sides, the beam can be 300 high and 100 thick, etc. When designing and constructing, one can use one side of the ladder to put it against the wall of the ladder. For 1 corrugated beam inside, or just make 1 corrugated iron in the middle or both corrugated beams are indented, it's up to the aesthetic designer.

    2.1 Design of assembled reinforced concrete stairs

    Assembled reinforced concrete stairs: A type of ladder in which the structural parts of the ladder are prefabricated at the production site, mass-produced and then assembled at the construction site. This type has the advantage of fast construction, saving materials, saving labor, and industrializing construction.

    The disadvantage of assembled reinforced concrete stairs is that they depend on standardized conditions, so they often have a simple, not rich form, etc. So no

    This type of stairs; Usually applied to architectural works that have been typified for mass construction. For example: Apartment buildings, or models of schools, hospitals, kindergartens...

    The design structure of assembled reinforced concrete stairs is as follows:

    - Regarding the form and level of assembly, there are many different ways, it can be semi-assembled; or completely assembled with small components, medium components or large components.

    • Design of semi-assembled reinforced concrete stairs

    In this case, the main load-bearing part of the ladder; (column beams, cross beams) are poured into concrete on-site steel columns or built into supporting walls. The assembled parts are prefabricated concrete stairs with steel columns in many different shapes; (rectangular, L-shaped, triangular...)

    This type is simple to construct; can use local materials; and simple craft techniques but the level of industrialization is still low.

    • Design of fully assembled reinforced concrete stairs

    Depending on the weight of the components, people divide them into the following types: Assembling small components; medium and large structures.

    • Assembling small components: Including step components, coffered beams (tilted beams), landing beams, and landing beams.
    • Assembling medium components: The ladder (ladder foot) is divided into strips with a width of 30:60 cm; depending on the weight of the components for assembly. Sometimes each of these parts has a landing and forward projection attached. On the other hand, to save and reduce weight, people can cast hollow parts with components.
    • Assembling large components: Usually only includes 2 components: Ladder (ladder body) and landing. To reduce weight, the structure can be hollowly cast. In addition, it is possible to mold directly to the landing and create a forward landing; forming a large, fairly complete structure, the two knees are straight against the load-bearing wall.

    Thiết kế cầu thang bê tông cốt thép lắp ghép​

    (Illustration, source: Internet)

    Structural details of joints of assembled reinforced concrete stairs

    When designing and assembling, attention should be paid to the details of the connections between the components. The joints between small components are usually left with a layer of steel waiting to be buried on one side; and one side has a waiting hole so the two sides can be assembled together; Then insert and push cement sand mortar grade 100 into the hole; to hold the connection tightly and protect the reinforcement; (You can use 200 grade small stone concrete to insert, which is better if the waiting hole is big enough).

    For the connection between large components, both sides of the pillow have steel rods waiting; When assembling, the steel bars will be welded together and then poured with 200 grade small stone concrete to tightly seal the joints; make 2 components seamless together.

    For the connecting ends, pay close attention to the position of the steel whiskers; Holes waiting for concrete pouring must be accurate to avoid discrepancies that cannot be assembled; later or difficult to install...

    In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the contact surface of the pillow components; You need to spread a layer of cement sand mortar grade 100 (or small stone concrete grade 200); so that the components can connect together smoothly and withstand evenly distributed forces. This mortar layer is 10:20mm thick. Joints before pouring concrete; or cement mortar inserts need to be cleaned thoroughly; water and sprinkle a layer of pure cement water to create adhesion for mortar and concrete.

    4. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

    The importance of construction units is undeniable because their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Today, there are many units providing construction design services to meet the increasing construction demand in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. During the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high professional qualifications, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs,... To helps customers save time searching, Công ty TNHH Đầu tư Xây dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú confident that it will be the best choice for you.

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    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of bringing the best solutions and services, building a prosperous community with customers, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually asserting its brand through cooperation. Sincere cooperation, with a leadership team with ethical capacity, creativity, dedication to the profession and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled and highly qualified staff who will bring customers the best quality projects. 

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Company Limited - specializes in constructing civil and industrial projects. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as legal procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing processes, and applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates,... If you have any questions or are in need of designing or completing the process, please contact us immediately for a free consultation!

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