Date Submitted: 10/09/2024 09:29 AM


Plastering walls properly is the most basic thing to help your house become more beautiful. Many homeowners and even construction teams still think "Why do you need to be careful when plastering walls?" They think that the paint and wall putty will do the job for them. This is a completely wrong thought.

Plastering walls must be done properly. The mortar used for plastering is usually M75. Following the correct procedures helps ensure the aesthetics as well as the durability of the house. It can be said that this is one of the important steps that determine the beauty of the house. When plastering walls, you must be careful to the smallest detail. Follow Hung Nghiep Phu to follow the article below for more details!

    1. Surface preparation in plastering techniques

    - The assembly area is clean and has enough space for transportation and operation;

    - The starting time is when the masonry surface is dry and at least 3-5 days depending on the weather.

    - Industrial cleaning, watering, plastering molding have been accepted to increase the adhesion of the mortar and avoid hairline cracks after plastering.

    - Underground M&E wall system has been accepted: electrical and water technical pipes, technical openings, etc.;

    - Steel mesh installation at the intersections between concrete and bricks, at the pipe placement locations for the M&E system has been accepted.

    Kỹ thuật trát trong xây dựng

    2. Prepare materials for construction

    - All materials used must ensure quality according to design requirements, satisfy Vietnamese Standards and quality registration of the manufacturer;

    - Sand (must be screened to remove impurities), cement must be sampled according to regulations for each shipment to the construction site and must be tested at qualified laboratories;

    - The contractor provides necessary certificates for the materials used such as: CO, CQ...;

    - The contractor is responsible for conducting necessary material tests at his own expense and providing test results to the Supervision Consultant and the Investor. These testing costs are included in the bid price. All test results and material certificates must be certified by competent authorities.

    - Prepare construction tools and equipment: Wooden or corrugated iron boxes, trowels, meter sticks, level tubes, rolling rulers, mortar mixers, scrubbers, wheelbarrows, shovels, buckets, fishing lines, winches...

    3. Mix mortar and create mortar mold

    - Mixing mortar

    Sieve the sand through a mesh to filter out dirt mixed in the sand during transportation, to avoid stains on the wall surface later. Measure the materials to mix the mortar to the correct mortar grade, usually plaster mortar has a grade of 75. Mix the dry mix several times to evenly distribute the aggregate, then mix in the right proportion of water to get the required amount of plaster mortar.

    - Create mortar markers

    Use nails, wooden planks or mortar columns to mark the plaster mortar markers, to avoid the case of thick and thin places after plastering.

    The mortar columns are 8-12cm wide, 1.5-2cm apart, the height of the mortar column is exactly equal to the thickness of the finished mortar layer.

    4. Plastering process

    Plastering from top to bottom. “Roll” the mortar into several layers first, then wait for it to dry before applying the finishing layer. Apply the mortar with a trowel, then use a trowel to smooth the finishing layer. Use a level to smooth the surface from bottom to top. Fill the mortar in the concave areas and continue rolling. Wait for the mortar to dry, then use a trowel to smooth the surface to create a flat surface.

    - The plastering marks are attached to the wall with cement mortar. The distance between the plastering marks does not exceed 3m. The first row of marks is 10-15cm from the floor;

    - The steel mesh is attached to the junction between the brick wall and concrete or the M&E cut and chisel positions and must overlap each side by no less than 5cm;

    - The plastering mortar must be of guaranteed quality, mixed according to the design mix and must be sampled at the mixing site. The number of test samples depends on the volume of each plastering batch. The plastering mortar must be stored in a mortar trough;
    - When plastering walls, columns, and concrete beams, it is necessary to create roughness by using the mortar method with a cement:sand ratio of 1:1, let it dry for 12 hours (but not more than 36 hours) before plastering to ensure the adhesion of the plaster layer to the concrete;

    - Proceed to plaster the ceiling, beams, and then the walls and columns. Plaster according to the thickness marked. Conduct a test plastering to check the structural adhesion;

    - The plastering thickness is from 1.2 to 2cm, plastering is divided into 02 layers. Perform 02 layers in sequence: base plaster, outer layer. When stopping plastering, a broken stop joint must be created for the newly constructed mortar layer;

    - The plastered surface must not have a crow's foot shape, no traces of flowing mortar, marks of plastering tools, local bumps, dents, roughness as well as other defects in the corners;

    - The edges of the walls must be flat and sharp. Perpendicular lines must be checked with a square ruler. Windows and doors must be parallel. The top surface of the window sill must have a slope according to the design. The plaster layer must be inserted at least 10mm deep under the door frame;
    - Adhesion must be checked by tapping (with the tip of an iron rod). Blisters must be repaired by widening and tightening the edges of the plaster before re-plastering;
    - The flatness of the plastered surface must be checked with a 3m aluminum ruler, plumb line, and the corners must be checked with a square;
    - After plastering, it must be carefully covered to avoid weather and collision. After plastering, water must be sprayed for maintenance and kept moist for about 3 days after 6 hours.

    5. Labor safety when performing plastering work

    - Technical staff and workers must be equipped with hats, shoes, masks, and full protective clothing;

    - When plastering on a height difference of 2m, the working floor must have a safety railing system;

    - For exterior plastering, use scaffolding to finish the exterior surface, anchored firmly to the steel waiting on the floor. Every 5 floors, there must be a scaffolding anchoring system and a net to prevent falling objects;

    - When plastering on a height difference of 2m, the working floor must use scaffolding with a safety railing, and indoor plastering must cover all holes on the floor surface;

    - The electricity used for plastering must have a voltage < 36V;

    - Lead powder, copper powder, and minium must not be used as colored mortar.

    6. Surface maintenance after plastering

    • Do not touch the newly plastered area.
    • A few days after plastering, water should be used to moisten the plastered surface, especially when the weather is dry and sunny. – Cover from rain and sun for the first 2-3 days.

    7. Check and accept plastering work

    • The plaster surface must be flat (no bumps, concave or convex) both vertically and horizontally. Check the flatness with a 2 m long ruler (check the gap between the ruler and the plaster surface) or use a neon light close to the wall.
    • The edges must be level and vertical. Use a level tube to check the horizontal direction and slope. Use a dpi string to check the vertical direction.
    • The corners must be square and even.
    • The edges and lines must be sharp, straight, thick, and correct to the design.
    • Ensure all the details and structure of the mortar: joints, belts, drip heads, etc.
    • When the mortar is dry, tap on the plaster surface. If there is a popping sound, the plaster layer: does not adhere firmly to the plaster (is hollow), that area must be broken and re-plastered.
    • There are no cracks, dents, roughness, or unplastered areas.
    • When there are bulging or peeling areas, that area must be broken wide, pressed tightly around, and the mortar must be dry before re-plastering.
    • When plastering decorative stone, it is necessary to check according to TCXD (Decorative stone plastering. Construction and acceptance).

    8. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

    The importance of construction units is undeniable, their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Currently, there are many units providing construction design services to meet the increasing construction needs in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. In the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high expertise, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs, ... To help customers save time searching, Công ty TNHH Đầu tư Xây dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú is confident that it will be the best choice for you.

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    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of providing the best solutions and services, building a prosperous community with customers, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually affirming its brand through sincere cooperation, with a leadership team with ethical capacity, creativity, high expertise and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled, highly qualified employees who will bring customers the best quality technology.

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. - specializes in constructing civil and industrial works. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as continuous procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing procedures, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of design, completing procedures, please contact us immediately for free consultation!

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