Date Submitted: 15/08/2024 09:14 AM



Pouring concrete is the most important step in factory construction, directly affecting the sustainability and longevity of the project. Flaws in the construction process can lead to many serious consequences, such as cracking, subsidence, affecting production activities and worker safety. Therefore, mastering the proper concrete pouring process is extremely necessary. This article will provide detailed standard construction steps, from preparation to maintenance, helping you build a high-quality factory. Follow the article below with Hung Nghiep Phu!

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(Illustration, source: Internet collection)

    1. How to calculate the exact amount of concrete needed for the factory floor

    To ensure efficient and cost-effective factory floor construction, accurately calculating the amount of concrete needed plays an extremely important role. Below are detailed instructions on how to calculate the amount of concrete needed when building a factory:

    Calculation formula:

    The amount of concrete needed for the factory floor is calculated based on the following formula:

    V = D x R x H

    Trong đó:

    • V: Volume of concrete to be placed (calculated in cubic meters, m3)

    • D: Factory length (in meters, m)

    • R: Factory width (in meters, m)

    • H: Expected concrete layer thickness (in meters, m)

    For example:

    Suppose you want to calculate the amount of concrete needed for a factory floor with the following dimensions:

    Length (D): 50 meters (m)

    Width (W): 30 meters (m)

    Expected concrete layer thickness (H): 20 cm (equivalent to 0.2 m)

    Applying the above formula, we have:

    V = 50 m x 30 m x 0,2 m = 300 m3

    So, to construct a factory floor with the above dimensions, you need to prepare 300 cubic meters of concrete.

    Cách tính chính xác lượng bê tông cần cho nền nhà xưởng

    (Illustration, source: Internet collection)

    2. Method of pouring concrete in factory construction

    The concrete pouring process plays an important role in ensuring the quality, durability and aesthetics of the project. Choosing the appropriate construction method depends on many factors such as concrete volume, size and shape of components, construction conditions and technical requirements. Below are details about common concrete pouring construction methods:

    2.1. Pour concrete by hand

    The simplest method of pouring concrete into formwork is to pour concrete manually with a shovel or bucket. However, this method is only applicable if the amount of concrete produced is small and the cast members are also small.



    • Simple, easy to construct, no equipment investment costs.
    • Suitable for small projects, with small concrete volumes and simple cast structures.
    • Easy access to locations that are difficult to construct with machinery.




    • Low productivity, labor intensive.
    • Concrete segregation can easily occur, affecting quality.
    • It is difficult to ensure uniformity and compactness of concrete.


    2.2. Pour concrete using troughs

    A chute is a tilted platform used to transport objects to a lower level in the direction of gravity. Their use in concrete transportation is very popular for small and medium-sized construction projects.

    Chutes are used to guide and transport concrete to where it needs to be poured. They are an effective way to pour concrete into formwork. One-way flow helps prevent concrete from pouring out of the formwork.



    • Higher productivity than pouring concrete by hand.
    • Easily move concrete to construction sites.
    • Minimize the risk of concrete segregation.


    • A trough system and accompanying accessories are required.
    • Difficult to access some complex construction locations.
    • Concrete can be thrown out if the trough is not positioned properly.

    2.3. Pour concrete with a pump

    The operating principle of concrete pumps is based on hydraulic thrust. The motor powers the hydraulic pump, creating high pressure to push the piston in the pump assembly. The moving piston will suck concrete from the loading hopper and push it through the pipe system to the pouring location.

    Concrete pumps include the following main parts:

    • Engine: Provides energy for the entire system to operate. The engine can use an electric motor or a diesel engine depending on needs and construction conditions.
    • Hydraulic pump: Creates the necessary pressure to push the concrete mixture through the pipeline system.
    • Pipeline system: Includes concrete pipes and joints, ensuring smooth transportation of concrete to the pouring location.
    • Pump assembly: Includes a feed hopper, piston and valve, coordinating smoothly to suck and push concrete.
    • Pump boom: Can be fixed or flexible, helping to bring concrete to high and remote construction locations.

    - Advantage

    • Improve construction efficiency: Concrete pumps help speed up construction progress, save time and labor, especially for high-rise buildings and large areas.
    • Improved concrete quality: Thanks to high pumping pressure, concrete is more compacted, increasing uniformity and minimizing the risk of honeycombing, ensuring high construction quality.
    • Expanding the scope of construction: Concrete pumps can deliver concrete to high, remote, and difficult-to-reach locations using manual construction methods, meeting diverse construction needs.
    • Ensuring labor safety: Using concrete pumps helps minimize workers direct contact with fresh concrete, minimizing the risk of labor accidents.

    - Disadvantages

    • High investment costs.
    • High construction technical requirements, requiring a team of operating staff.
    • Concrete can develop air bubbles if not pumped properly.

    2.4. Sliding formwork

    Sliding formwork is a vertically moving formwork system, used to continuously construct concrete for vertical structures such as elevator shafts, stair shafts, towers, silos, tanks, etc. in high-rise buildings. This system includes:

    • Formwork: Made from steel plates or wooden boards, which can be moved and adjusted flexibly according to the structural shape.
    • Scaffolding: Main bearing for the entire system, including frames, beams, columns and support systems.
    • Lifting system: Use a hydraulic jack or threaded rod to adjust the height of the formwork during construction.
    • Concrete pouring system: Includes concrete mixer, pump system and pipes to transport concrete into formwork.

    The operating principle of sliding formwork is based on moving the formwork vertically at the same time as the concrete pouring process. Concrete is continuously poured into the form from the bottom, then the form is moved up to form a new concrete part. This process is repeated until the entire structure is completed.

    2.5. ​​Method of pouring concrete under water

    The underwater concrete pouring method is often applied to projects such as foundation piles, bridge foundations, foundation pits, diaphragm walls, etc.

    Due to the special construction environment, this method requires highly complex construction techniques and requires many specialized construction equipment. There are two common types of underwater concrete pouring methods:

    Method of pouring concrete in bags: Concrete is pre-mixed on shore, then poured into bags and transported to the underwater construction site. The bag is dropped to the bottom of the water and the rope is removed to let the concrete flow out.

    Pipe pouring method: Concrete is pre-mixed on shore and pumped through pipes to the underwater construction site. Pipes can be placed permanently or moved flexibly according to the construction location.

    - Advantage:

    • Suitable for underwater construction that cannot be performed with conventional construction methods.
    • Ensuring concrete quality in water environments, limiting stratification and honeycombing phenomena.
    • Enhances adhesion between concrete and steel reinforcement.
    • Resists erosion caused by water and chemical agents.

    - Disadvantages:

    • Construction technical requirements are high and complex, requiring a team of construction staff.
    • Construction costs are high due to the need for specialized construction equipment.
    • High risk of labor accidents due to dangerous construction environment.


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    (Illustration, source: Internet collection)

    3. Concrete pouring process in factory construction

    3.1. Prepare the ground

    • Ground leveling: Level the construction site to make it level, ensuring a suitable slope according to design requirements. Remove obstacles, trash, and loose materials on the site.
    • Compact the foundation: Use a compactor or hand compactor to compact the foundation, achieving the minimum density required by the design. Ensure the foundation has high stability, avoiding subsidence after construction.
    • Determine elevation: Use specialized elevation measuring equipment to determine the exact elevation of the construction site, ensuring uniform elevation according to design drawings.

    3.2. Install formwork and concrete molds

    • Formwork installation: Use formwork made of wood, steel or high-strength plastic, firmly reinforced and installed in the correct position and size according to the design drawing. Fix the formwork with tie bars, supports, and anchor piles to ensure stability during construction.
    • Clean and oil the formwork: Clean the inside of the formwork, remove dust, shavings, sawdust, etc. Apply non-stick oil to the inside surface of the formwork to create a layer, helping the concrete not stick. into formwork and easily dismantled after construction.
    • Steel mesh installation: Install steel mesh according to design drawings, ensuring accurate position, regular spacing and firmly fixed with steel wire or other means. Use steel with strength appropriate to the load-bearing requirements of the structure during the factory construction process, etc.

    3.3. Prepare the concrete mixture

    • Concrete mix design: Determine the mixing ratio of cement, sand, stone, gravel, water and additives in accordance with the concrete grade, construction conditions and technical requirements of the project. Consult construction engineers or use commercial concrete of guaranteed quality.
    • Mixing concrete: Use a concrete mixer or mix it manually according to the designed ratio. Ensure the concrete mixture is homogeneous, smooth, lump-free and has a slump suitable for construction conditions.

    3.4. Construction of concrete pouring

    • Pour concrete continuously: Try to pour concrete continuously in one batch to avoid creating cold joints, which affects the quality of concrete.
    • Pour concrete in order: Pour concrete from far to near, from low to high, making sure the concrete surface is flat and free of valleys or bumps.
    • Compacting the concrete: Use a suitable compactor to thoroughly compact the concrete, remove air bubbles and ensure the concrete is evenly distributed in the formwork. Hand tamping, drum tamping, table tamping or vibrating tamping can be used depending on factory construction conditions.
    • Concrete surface treatment: After construction, smooth the concrete surface with a ruler or specialized tools to create a smooth, flat concrete surface, increase aesthetics and make it easier to clean.

    3.5. Care for concrete after pouring

    • Maintain humidity: Regularly water the concrete surface or cover it with tarpaulins, sacks, etc. to limit evaporation, helping the concrete achieve optimal strength. Concrete should be kept moist for at least 7 days, depending on weather conditions and concrete grade.
    • Protect concrete from external forces: Avoid impacts and strong vibrations in the early stages of construction to protect concrete from cracking and damage.
    • Monitor the curing process: Closely monitor the concrete curing process, adjusting curing measures to suit weather conditions and the surrounding environment.
    • Quy trình đổ bê tông trong xây dựng nhà xưởng

    (Illustration, source: Internet collection)

    4. Evaluate the quality of concrete after construction

    Assessing the quality of concrete after construction plays a key role in ensuring the safety and durability of the project. Applying appropriate assessment methods will help accurately determine the condition of concrete, thereby providing timely treatment measures, ensuring construction quality according to standards. Here are technical details on common assessment methods:

    4.1. Check by visual method

    • Observe the concrete surface: The surface needs to be flat, smooth, and uniform, without cracks, protrusions, honeycombs, sand and gravel aggregates, shrinkage edges, peeling, or exposed steel reinforcement.
    • Check construction details: Pay attention to the connection between components, shrinkage, settlement joints, ensure compliance with design drawings and technical requirements.

    4.2. Compressive strength test

    This is the most important method to evaluate concrete quality, performed on concrete samples that have been taken and cured according to regulations. The test results show the compressive force resistance of concrete, which is the basis for evaluating the load-bearing capacity of the project. Applicable standard: TCVN 12:2009 – Cement and concrete – Test method for compressive strength of concrete.

    4.3. Permeability test

    Common permeability testing methods include: Water pressure testing, chemical solution testing, etc. to limit factors that directly affect the durability and longevity of the project. Applicable standard: TCVN 1255:2005 – Concrete – Test method for permeability of concrete.

    4.4. Testing by non-destructive methods

    Use specialized equipment to evaluate concrete quality without affecting the structure to save costs, can test multiple locations and repeat tests. Common methods include: Ultrasound, slump measurement, carbonation measurement,...

    4.5. Chemical composition analysis

    Determine the content of ingredients in concrete such as cement, aggregates, water, and additives. At the same time, evaluate the conformity of concrete with chemical standards and requirements. Popular methods: Spectroscopic analysis, thermogravimetric analysis.

    5. Note when pouring concrete in factory construction

    The concrete pouring process plays a key role in ensuring the quality and durability of factory construction projects. Below are important notes that need to be taken into account to achieve the best construction results:

    5.1. Prepare thoroughly before pouring concrete

    • Carefully inspect the formwork: Make sure the formwork is installed in the correct position, is smooth, square and has high rigidity. Use necessary reinforcement measures to avoid warping and shifting of formwork during the concrete pouring process. Thoroughly treat gaps and joints with specialized glue or mastic to prevent concrete leakage.
    • Installing reinforced steel mesh: Steel mesh needs to be placed in the correct position according to the design drawing, ensuring the required concrete coverage distance at the bottom and sides. Use measures to firmly fix the steel mesh to avoid movement during the concrete pouring process.
    • Clean the construction area: Completely remove dirt, trash, wood chips, concrete chips... from the construction area. Construction on a clean surface will help ensure the adhesion quality of the concrete and limit the risk of gaps and honeycomb formation.

    5.2. Use quality concrete

    • Choose the right type of concrete: Choose the concrete grade, aggregate type and additives that match the technical requirements of the project. Consult construction experts for optimal choices.
    • Check the freshness of concrete: Concrete needs to be transported to the construction site within the specified time and ensure freshness when poured. Avoid using concrete that has passed its setting time or is lumpy.
    • Concrete testing: Perform necessary tests to check the strength, slump, smoothness, etc. of concrete before pouring. Testing concrete quality will help ensure it meets technical standards and factory construction requirements.

    5.3. Concrete pouring process

    • Continuous pouring of concrete: Ensure that the concrete pouring process is continuous, avoiding the creation of cold joints that affect the quality of the project. Use a concrete pumping system or slide to ensure uniformity and avoid segregation.
    • Compact the concrete thoroughly: Use a suitable compactor to compact the concrete thoroughly, removing air bubbles and ensuring the concrete is evenly distributed in the formwork. Pay attention to compacting thoroughly in areas with dense reinforcement and corners of the formwork.
    • Control the height of pouring concrete: Pour concrete in layers of appropriate thickness, avoid pouring from too high a height which can lead to segregation. Use measures to level the concrete surface after each layer of pouring.

    5.4. Proper concrete maintenance

    • Maintaining moisture in concrete: After pouring concrete, maintenance measures need to be taken to maintain moisture in the concrete, facilitating the hydration process. Use common maintenance methods such as watering, covering with tarpaulin, using maintenance compounds...
    • Temperature control: Avoid exposing concrete to direct sunlight or excessive heat during the early stages of curing. Shielding or misting methods can be used to maintain the appropriate temperature for concrete.
    • Formwork removal time: Only remove formwork after the concrete has achieved the minimum strength required by the design. Removing formwork too early can affect the quality and durability of the concrete.

    5.5. Construction conditions

    • Weather: Concrete pouring should be done in favorable weather conditions, avoid construction when there is heavy rain, strong winds or too high or too low temperatures.
    • Temperature: If construction is performed in high temperature conditions, there should be measures to cool down the concrete such as using ice, adding water-reducing additives, shielding formwork, etc.
    • Humidity: If construction is performed in low humidity conditions, measures should be taken to increase the humidity of the concrete such as watering, covering with tarpaulin, etc.

    5.6. Handle complex details

    • Columns and beams: Attention should be paid to pouring concrete for structures with complex shapes such as columns and beams to ensure that the concrete is evenly distributed and free of honeycombs. Use appropriate concrete compaction methods such as using a stick compactor, vibrator, etc.
    • Intersections between components: Attention should be paid to handling the joints between components to ensure connection and tightness. Use measures such as inserting waiting steel, using edge glue...

    5.7. Labor safety

    It is necessary to strictly comply with labor safety regulations during the concrete pouring process. Use full labor protection equipment such as helmets, boots, gloves, etc.

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    (Illustration, source: Internet collection)

    6. Important notes during the concrete pouring process

    - Before pouring concrete, you must ensure that the formwork is flat, square and fixed in the correct position. In case of any imperfections, shims can be used to level them.

    - Care should be taken when placing reinforcing mesh into the formwork. It is necessary to ensure adequate concrete cover on the bottom and sides and that the mesh should not be too dense to prevent concrete from flowing through.

    - After being poured into the formwork, concrete will be compacted with a vibrator. However, excessive vibration of concrete should be avoided because it can lead to concrete bleeding, leading to weak concrete structures and uneven strength.

    - If concrete pouring is done in areas with high temperatures, the concrete will harden at a rapid rate. In such cases, it is important to protect the concrete from rapid temperature changes and direct sunlight.


    - Maintaining proper maintenance is another essential step to successful concrete pouring. This helps the concrete achieve maximum strength. Curing means preventing the loss of moisture in the concrete until it reaches the required strength. To do so, concrete is kept in an environment that contains it or maintains a certain level of humidity and temperature around it.

    Applying the correct concrete pouring process as instructed above will help you construct a high-quality factory, ensuring safety and long-term efficiency. You should pay attention to choosing standard materials, construct according to design drawings and closely monitor construction stages to ensure the best quality for the project.

    7. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

    The importance of construction units is undeniable because their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Today, there are many units providing construction design services to meet the increasing construction demand in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. During the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high professional qualifications, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs,... Nowadays, according to feedback from some customers who have contacted Hung Nghiep Phu shows that there are currently many fraudulent units that are construction design consulting companies to scam people for many different purposes. To help customers save time searching, Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. is confident that it will be the best choice for you.

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    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of bringing the best solutions and services, together with customers to build a prosperous community, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually asserting its brand through Sincere cooperation, with a team of leaders with ethical capacity, creativity, dedication to the profession, and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled and highly qualified staff who will bring customers the best quality projects. 
    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Company Limited - specializes in constructing civil and industrial projects. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as legal procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing processes, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of designing and perfecting the process, please contact us immediately for a free consultation!
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    Source: Collected Internet

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