Date Submitted: 07/06/2024 08:52 AM


Construction and maintenance of emergency exit doors are the responsibility of the homeowner, and management and individuals working in the factory are prohibited. The first thing for emergency exit doors is a reasonable cost account during factory construction and brings many useful equipment benefits, contributing to creating a safe and efficient working environment.

    1. The importance of emergency exits in factory construction

    Emergency exits play an extremely important role in ensuring the safety of workers and property in the factory when an incident occurs, especially when a fire breaks out. Installing emergency exit doors properly helps users move outside quickly, minimizing damage to people and property. Below are the reasons explaining the importance of emergency exit doors in factory construction:


    1.1. Ensure safety for workers

    • Quick escape: When an incident occurs, emergency exit doors help workers move quickly outside, away from dangerous areas.
    • Limit casualties: Emergency exit doors are designed to be easily opened from the inside, helping workers escape safely even when there is no power or loss of mobility.
    • Minimize panic: Having a clear and easy-to-use exit door helps minimize panic in an emergency, facilitating an orderly and safe move out.

    1.2. Property protection

    • Limit damage: Emergency exit doors help prevent fire from spreading, protecting assets in the factory from being burned.
    • Facilitate firefighting work: Emergency exit doors create a way for firefighters to access the scene and perform firefighting work more effectively.


    1.3. Comply with the law

    • Mandatory regulations: Proper installation of emergency exit doors is the obligation and responsibility of the investor and factory management board according to the law on fire safety.
    • Avoid breaking the law: Failure to install or improper installation of emergency exits can lead to serious consequences such as administrative fines and even criminal prosecution.


    >> See more: Cooling solutions in factory construction

    Tầm quan trọng của cửa thoát hiểm trong xây dựng nhà xưởng


    2. Regulations on emergency exits in factory construction

    Ensure safety for workers and property in the factory when an incident occurs, especially when a fire breaks out.

    • Legal grounds:

    National Technical Regulation on Fire Safety for Houses and Constructions QCVN 06/2021/BXD issued by the Ministry of Construction together with Circular 02/2021/TT-BXD.


    2.1. Fire resistance

    Must have fire resistance according to the provisions of National Standards on fire-resistant construction materials and construction components.

    2.2. Smoke resistance

    Emergency exit doors must be smoke resistant according to the provisions of National Standards on fire safety for houses and buildings.

    It is necessary to use door locks and door gaskets with good smoke resistance. A ventilation system should be installed for emergency exits to ensure safety for users when an incident occurs.


    2.3. Size requirements

    • Clear height: Not less than 1.9 m.
    • Clearance width:

    + 1.2 m – from rooms of group F1.1 when the number of escapees is greater than 15 people, from rooms and houses of other functional fire danger groups with the number of escapees greater than 50 people, except except group F1.3.

    + 0.8 m – in all remaining cases.

    2.4. Requirements for emergency exit door installation location

    - Emergency exit doors must be located in every location in the factory that can lead outside or into a safe area.

    - It is necessary to arrange at least two emergency exits for each room, floor or work area.

    - The distance between two emergency exits must not exceed 75m.

    - Emergency exit doors must be easily identifiable and convenient for opening from the inside.

    - There should be clear, easy-to-see signs indicating escape routes.


    2.5. Requirements for emergency exit door locks in factory construction

    • Lock type

    Emergency exit doors must use locks that can be easily opened from the inside in all cases. Absolutely do not use deadbolt locks for emergency exit doors and do not use keyed locks for emergency exit doors.


    • Installation location

    The emergency exit door lock must be installed in a position that is easy to see and easy to open from the inside. The height of the emergency door lock installation must not exceed 1.8m above the floor.


    Quy định về cửa thoát hiểm trong xây dựng nhà xưởng


    3. Requirements for emergency exits when building a factory

    • Request:

    - Quantity: The number of escape routes from a room, floor or house must be sufficient to allow safe escape for all people present in case of an incident.

    - Width: The clear width of the escape route must be no less than 1.2 m and ensure enough to transport medical stretchers with people lying on them.

    - Height: The clear height of the escape route must be no less than 1.9 m.

    - Arrangement: The escape route must be arranged to be easily recognizable, convenient for opening the door from the inside and not obstructed by other objects.

    - Fire resistance: Doors and partitions on escape routes must be fire resistant according to regulations.

    - Ventilation: Escape routes must be ventilated to ensure safety.

    • Some special cases

    - Escape routes from basements: Escape routes from basements must be arranged separately from the common staircases of the house.

    - Escape routes from rooms with a large number of users: Rooms with more than 50 concurrent users must have at least two escape routes.

    - Escape routes from rooms with high fire danger: Rooms with high fire danger such as rooms containing flammable and explosive materials must have separate escape routes.

     Yêu cầu đối với lối thoát hiểm khi xây nhà xưởng


    4. How to check and maintain emergency exits in factory construction

    Periodic inspection, maintenance and testing of emergency exits in the factory is extremely important to ensure effective operation when an incident occurs, especially a fire. Inspection, maintenance and testing procedures should be carried out according to the following steps:

    4.1. Check

    • General test

    - Ensure that emergency exits fully meet the requirements for location, size, fire resistance, smoke resistance, etc. according to the provisions of law.

    - Check the condition of emergency exit doors, hinges, door locks, door handles, etc. to ensure smooth operation and easy opening from the inside.

    - Check the lighting system, signs, markings and directions to the emergency exit to ensure visibility in all lighting conditions.


    • Check the details

    - Carefully check the welds and joints of the emergency exit door and door frame to ensure sturdiness.

    - Check the door gasket to ensure smoke resistance.

    - Check the door lock system to ensure it operates effectively and is not jammed or damaged.

    - Check the fire alarm system and alarm bells to ensure correct operation and timely detection when problems occur.

    4.2. Maintenance

    • Toilet

    - Clean emergency exits, emergency doors, hinges, door locks, door handles, etc.

    - Remove dirt, trash, and obstacles on emergency exits.

    - Clean signs, markings and instructions to ensure visibility.

    - Lubricate hinges, door locks, and door handles to ensure smooth operation.

    • Repair

    - Timely repair damage to emergency exit doors, door frames, door gaskets, door locking systems, etc.

    - Besides, replace broken or no longer quality parts.


    • Maintain fire alarm system

    - Periodically maintain the fire alarm system and alarm bells according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    - At the same time, check the battery, power source, smoke sensor, and siren to ensure effective operation.

    Cách kiểm tra và bảo trì các lối thoát hiểm trong xây dựng nhà xưởng


    Installing emergency exit doors properly in factory construction is an essential measure to ensure the safety of workers and property in the factory. Investing in an emergency exit door is a reasonable cost and brings many practical benefits, contributing to creating a safe and effective working environment. Always comply with fire safety regulations and use emergency exits properly to protect yourself and the community.

    Hung Nghiep Phu – specializes in constructing civil and industrial projects. Please contact the company for advice today!



     Facebook: Công ty TNHH Đầu Tư Xây Dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú (興業富)

     Đường dây nóng: 1800.3368



    Address: No. 2034D, Group 22, Phuoc Thai Quarter, Thai Hoa Ward, Tan Uyen Town, Binh Duong Province


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