Date Submitted: 15/08/2024 11:31 AM


Choosing the right type of industrial factory plays an important role in optimizing production efficiency, saving costs and ensuring safety for business operations. This article will introduce in detail the most popular types of industrial factories today, along with the pros and cons of each type to help you make wise decisions for your investment. Follow the article below with Hung Nghiep Phu!

    1. The most popular types of factories today

    1.1. Prefabricated steel factory

    Prefabricated steel factories are a popular type of factory because of their convenience, flexibility and cost savings. Unlike traditional construction projects, prefabricated steel factories use prefabricated steel components according to design drawings, then transported to the construction site and erected. Thanks to this, the construction process is shortened to the maximum, helping to save time and labor.

    1.1.1 Prefabricated steel factory production process

    • Design

    Architects and engineers will conduct a survey of usage needs and construction land to create detailed drawings for the factory. Drawings include technical specifications on size, structure, materials, electrical and water systems... ensuring safety and suitability for the factory's intended use.

    The use of advanced design software helps optimize structures, save materials and ensure aesthetics for the project.

    • Processing components

    In the production process of prefabricated steel factories, modern and automated machinery systems are used to cut, stamp, and shape steel structures according to design drawings with high accuracy. Every detail goes through a rigorous quality inspection process before moving on to the next stage, ensuring it meets all technical standards.

    • Installation at construction site

    Steel structures are transported to the construction site and erected in a pre-planned order. The construction process is carried out by a team of skilled staff, ensuring labor safety and project quality.

    After completing the erection of the main frame, auxiliary items such as roofs, walls, doors... will be completed according to the design.

    1.1.2 Advantage

    • Light weight: Compared to traditional factories using reinforced concrete materials, prefabricated steel factories are significantly lighter in weight, helping to reduce the load on the foundation and save construction costs.
    • Fast construction: Thanks to the use of prefabricated steel components, the prefabricated steel factory construction process takes place much faster than traditional construction methods. On average, it only takes 1 to 3 months to complete a prefabricated steel factory with an area of ​​1000m2.
    • Cost savings: Quick construction, using less materials and labor helps save the cost of building a pre-engineered steel factory significantly. Compared to a reinforced concrete factory, the cost of building a prefabricated steel factory can be 30% to 50% lower.
    • High durability: The steel frame is made from high-strength steel, has good bearing capacity, is rust and termite resistant, ensuring the durability of the project throughout its use. The average lifespan of a pre-engineered steel factory can be up to 50 years.
    • Flexibility: Prefabricated steel factories can easily expand their area, change their structure or relocate to another location without affecting the quality of the construction. Thanks to that, the pre-engineered steel factory meets the needs of changes in production scale or future use.
    • High aesthetics: With a variety of designs, colors and styles, prefabricated steel factories can meet all aesthetic requirements of customers. Architects can easily create and design prefabricated steel factories that are modern, luxurious and suitable for the surrounding landscape.
    • Good fire resistance: Currently, with the development of technology, manufacturers have applied effective fire protection measures for pre-engineered steel factories. The use of fireproof paint, glass wool wrap, plaster... helps increase the fire resistance of the factory, ensuring safety for people and property inside.

    With optimal construction solutions, building factories from pre-engineered steel is the perfect choice for investors and businesses looking for a durable, beautiful, economical and effective project.

    Nhà xưởng thép tiền chế sử dụng các cấu kiện thép được gia công sẵn theo bản vẽ thiết kế

    Nhà xưởng thép tiền chế sử dụng các cấu kiện thép được gia công sẵn theo bản vẽ thiết kế

    1.2. 1-storey industrial factory (adjacent)

    One-story industrial factory (adjacent) is a popular and popular factory model in Vietnam's industrial parks because of its flexibility and ability to meet the diverse needs of businesses. This model is especially suitable for industrial parks with large land funds and diverse factory area needs.

    1.2.1 Advantages 

    • Cost savings: Compared to high-rise factory models, 1-storey (detached) factories have lower construction and maintenance costs due to their simple structure and lower roof area.
    • Flexible expansion: Future expansion of the factory area is easily done by building an adjacent factory without affecting current production activities.
    • Take advantage of natural light: 1-story design helps optimize the use of natural light, save energy and create a cool working environment for employees.
    • Quick drainage: The low roof and scientifically designed drainage system helps the factory drain water quickly, limiting flooding due to heavy rain.
    • Suitable for many industries: The 1-storey (adjacent) factory model is suitable for a variety of manufacturing industries, from light to heavy industry.

    1.2.2 Classification by area

    • Small-scale factory (250m2 - 500m2): Suitable for startups, small-scale manufacturing enterprises or mechanical processing workshops.
    • Medium factory (500m2 - 1000m2): Suitable for manufacturing businesses that need a larger area, can meet a variety of production and warehousing activities.
    • Large factory (> 1000m2): Suitable for large-scale manufacturing businesses that use a lot of machinery and equipment and have spacious warehouse needs.

    1.2.3 Applications in industries

    One-story (adjacent) factories are commonly used in heavy industries, especially industries that use cranes such as:

    • Mechanical manufacturing industry: Manufacturing machinery, equipment, and spare parts.
    • Metal industry: Production of steel, aluminum, copper and other metal products.
    • Textile industry: Production of fabrics, clothing and apparel products.
    • Food processing industry: Production of food, beverages and agricultural products.
    • Construction materials manufacturing industry: Production of bricks, cement, concrete and other construction materials.

    Nhà xưởng công nghiệp 1 tầngNhà xưởng công nghiệp 1 tầng

    1.3. High-rise factory

    High-rise factories are the optimal solution for businesses in the supporting industry, especially small and medium-sized businesses, which are facing the problem of limited land fund and high production costs. This model possesses many outstanding advantages, suitable for small and medium-sized businesses facing the problem of optimizing production area and costs.

    1.3.1 The high-rise factory structure includes 3 main parts:

    • Foundation: Solidly designed, ensuring bearing capacity for the entire project. The foundation can use reinforced concrete piles, pressed piles, raft foundations, etc. depending on the geology of the area and the load of the factory.
    • Steel frame: Using high-strength steel components, connected together by bolts, rivets or welding. The steel frame forms the main structure of the factory, supporting the floors and roof.
    • Covering structure: Includes partitions, windows, roof, etc. made of lightweight materials such as corrugated iron, panels, glass, etc., with good soundproofing and thermal insulation, ensuring a safe working environment and efficiency.

    1.3.2 Applications in industries

    High-rise factories are widely used in the following industries:

    • Light industry: Producing products that do not pollute the environment, do not emit large amounts of toxic gases, wastewater, or dust.
    • Industry with light machinery: Use machinery and equipment weighing less than 1,000 kg/m2, without causing strong vibrations affecting the factory structure.
    • Manufacturing industry has compact equipment: Equipment is placed directly on the floor without the need for a separate foundation system, for example, factories manufacturing measuring instruments, medical instruments, etc.
    • Laboratories, research and development rooms: Need a clean, safe and well-soundproofed working environment.

    1.3.3 Advantages

    • Cost savings: Businesses can maximize construction area by taking advantage of height, instead of using a large floor area.
    • Optimize area: High-rise factories help increase usable area while still ensuring structural safety, meeting the production and warehousing needs of businesses.
    • Modern infrastructure: High-rise factories are often equipped with modern, convenient systems including freight elevators, elevators, electrical systems, fire protection systems, telecommunications systems, power supply systems, and water supply systems. water, drainage...
    • Space optimization: Many high-rise factories can also meet multiple applications in optimizing space use such as parking areas, canteen systems, security services... creating favorable conditions for operations. production and business activities of the enterprise.

    1.3.4 Disadvantages

    Moving goods vertically between floors can be more difficult than in a single-story factory. Compared to a single-story factory, a high-rise factory can be more expensive to build due to its complex structure and high technical requirements.

    Nhà xưởng cao tầng

    Nhà xưởng cao tầng

    1.4. Factory combined with office

    A factory combined with an office is the optimal model for modern businesses, bringing many practical benefits in terms of cost, management efficiency, communication and operational flexibility.

    1.4.1 Structure and layout

    The factory combined with office is designed with two main functional areas: production area and office area. The specific layout will depend on the needs and scale of operations of each business. However, it is necessary to ensure harmony between the two areas, creating convenience in movement, communication and management.

    1.4.2 Advantage 

    • Cost savings: Businesses only need to invest in building a single project, instead of spending money on two separate locations. Taking advantage of the factory and office space together helps save on rental, construction, maintenance and operating costs.
    • Enhance management efficiency: Concentrating both production and office areas on the same campus helps business leaders easily monitor, manage and coordinate common operations. Information is transmitted quickly, limiting errors and improving work efficiency.
    • Enhanced communication and collaboration: Proximity between production and the office promotes more effective communication and exchange of information and ideas. This contributes to improving team spirit, smooth coordination and creating high quality products.
    • Flexibility in expansion: Businesses can easily expand or reduce the area for each area (factory or office) as needs change. This only requires adjusting the partition without affecting the overall structure of the building.
    • Fast construction: The office construction process is integrated with factory construction, helping to save time and minimize material transportation costs.

    1.4.3 Disadvantages

    Enterprises need to ensure that the factory area is large enough to arrange both production and office areas appropriately. The design of a factory combined with an office needs to be done by professional architects to ensure optimization of area, meet usage needs and ensure safety for employees.

    1.5. Modern factory

    In the context of growing industry, the demand for modern factories is also increasing. Compared to traditional factories, modern factories possess many outstanding advantages, meeting the increasing requirements of businesses for production efficiency, cost savings and enhancing brand value.

    1.5.1 Outstanding features

    • Optimal design: The modern factory is scientifically designed, making the most of space and natural light, creating an airy and safe working environment for employees.
    • Advanced technology: Applying advanced technologies in design, construction and operation, helping to optimize production processes, improve energy efficiency and minimize environmental impact.
    • Automation system: Integrate automation, robotics and artificial intelligence systems into production lines, helping to improve accuracy, productivity and save labor.
    • High-quality materials: Using high-quality construction materials, highly durable, fire-resistant and environmentally friendly.

    1.5.2 Advantages 

    • Improve production efficiency: Thanks to optimal design, advanced technology and automation systems, modern factories help businesses increase labor productivity, reduce production costs and improve product quality.
    • Cost savings: Using high-quality materials, saving energy and minimizing maintenance costs helps businesses significantly save on factory operating costs.
    • Environmental protection: Applying environmentally friendly solutions such as wastewater treatment systems, solar energy systems... contributes to protecting the environment and enhancing the brand image of the business.
    • Enhance brand value: Owning a modern factory demonstrates the professionalism, prestige and class of the business, attracting potential customers and partners.

    1.5.3 Disadvantages

    Due to the use of advanced technology and high-quality materials, construction and investment costs for modern factories are often higher than traditional factories. Operating and maintaining a modern factory requires high technical skills of staff, leading to higher training and management costs.

    Nhà xưởng hiện đại tiết kiệm chi phí và nâng cao giá trị thương hiệu

    Nhà xưởng hiện đại tiết kiệm chi phí và nâng cao giá trị thương hiệu

    1.6. Double factory

    A double factory is a factory model designed with two separate factories, often arranged in parallel on the same plot of land and with an internal transportation system connecting the factories together. This design brings many outstanding advantages, meeting the diverse and effective operating needs of large-scale businesses.

    1.6.1 Advantages 

    • Optimize area and production process: Thanks to the design of two parallel factories, double factories help businesses make the most of the land area, while also creating favorable conditions for moving materials and products. between workshops during the production process, helping to save time and improve operational efficiency.
    • Enhance aesthetics: The symmetrical and harmonious design between the two workshops creates a beautiful overall architecture, demonstrating the professionalism and class of the business.
    • Enhanced management capabilities: Arranging two separate workshops helps businesses easily manage production activities at each workshop, while also convenient for movement and supervision of the management team.
    • Suitable for large-scale businesses: Double factories are the optimal choice for businesses with many production stages, using many complex machines and lines and needing a large area to operate effectively.

    1.6.2 Disadvantages

    Due to the design of two parallel factories, the double factory needs a spacious land area and has a square shape to ensure aesthetics and optimize the usable area. Compared to other types of factories, double factories often have higher construction costs due to using more materials and requiring more complex construction techniques.

    1.7. The factory comes with an ecosystem

    In the context of climate change and sustainable development trends, factories with ecosystems are increasingly popular with businesses. This factory model not only meets production needs but also provides a green - clean - beautiful working environment, contributing to improving employee health and increasing brand value for businesses.

    The factory comes with a special ecosystem suitable for businesses operating in the fields of:

    • Food production: Helps ensure food hygiene and safety, creating a green - clean - beautiful production environment.
    • Textile: Improve product quality, attract customers who love environmentally friendly products.
    • Woodworking: Reduces dust and noise and helps protect natural resources.
    • Pharmaceuticals: Create a safe production environment, ensuring product quality.

    1.7.1 Characteristics 

    • Harmonious combination between production and nature: The factory is surrounded by a system of trees and lakes, creating beautiful landscapes, bringing fresh air and minimizing noise from production activities.
    • Improve employee health and morale: A green working environment helps employees reduce stress, improve health and increase productivity.
    • Environmental protection: The ecosystem helps absorb CO2 gas, filter dust and reduce industrial waste, contributing to protecting the living environment.
    • Enhance brand value: A corporate image associated with nature will attract customers and partners, affirming its commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development.

    1.7.2 Construction process

    The process of constructing a factory with an ecosystem includes 4 main stages:

    Step 1: Design 

    Prepare detailed drawings for the factory area and ecosystem, ensuring harmony in layout, aesthetics and meeting user needs.

    Step 2: Build a factory

    Construction of the factory according to design drawings, using environmentally friendly materials and ensuring labor safety.

    Step 3: Landscape construction

     Plant trees, create lakes, miniature landscapes and arrange irrigation systems according to planning.

    Step 4: Finish

     Overall inspection, acceptance and handover of the project.

    1.7.3 Outstanding advantages

    • Limiting environmental impact: Thanks to the green ecosystem, the factory minimizes dust, noise and emissions, contributing to protecting the surrounding environment.
    • Improve worker health: A healthy working environment helps workers reduce stress, improve health and increase productivity.
    • Increase operational efficiency: Greenery systems help regulate temperature, reduce electricity costs and create a comfortable, efficient working environment.
    • Enhance brand value: A business image associated with green nature will attract customers, partners and affirm its commitment to sustainable development.

    Nhà xưởng đi kèm hệ sinh thái

    Nhà xưởng đi kèm hệ sinh thái

    2. Main issues to consider in designing and building industrial factories

    Designing and building an industrial factory is a process that requires careful consideration of many factors to ensure the project is fully functional, safe and effective. Here are the key issues to keep in mind:

    • Purpose of use: Clearly determine the type of production, scale, machinery and equipment, warehouse needs, offices, auxiliary areas, future expansion capabilities to choose the size and structure of the factory Fit.
    • Construction location: Choose a location with convenient transportation, raw material resources, and human resources, suitable for industrial park planning. Determine geological factors, topography, and surrounding environment to design appropriate house foundations, drainage systems, and wastewater treatment. Ensure compliance with regulations on safe distance, fire prevention, and environmental protection.
    • Structural design: Choose the type of structure that suits your needs, load capacity, aesthetics and budget. Calculate the load, use high quality construction materials, have high durability, good fire resistance and are environmentally friendly.
    • Roof system: Choose a roof type suitable for climate conditions, factory style and budget. Design an effective roof drainage system, using roofing materials with good waterproofing, fireproofing, heat insulation and sound insulation properties.
    • Door system: Choose the type of door that suits your needs and the size suitable for truck and container doors. Use rolling doors, sliding doors or steel doors to ensure security and safety. Install a system of emergency exits and ventilation doors to ensure safety for workers in case of emergency.
    • Electrical system: Design the electrical system to ensure sufficient capacity, install lightning and explosion-proof electrical systems. Use energy-saving light bulbs and smart electrical systems to reduce electricity costs.
    • Fire protection system: Equipped with fire alarm system, automatic fire suppression system, sprinkler system, fire extinguisher, and periodically organizes training on fire prevention and fighting for employees.
    • Ventilation system: Design the ventilation system to ensure air circulation, using ventilation fans and dust collection systems. Ensure the ventilation system operates effectively to protect employee health and the surrounding environment.
    • Wastewater treatment system: Design the wastewater treatment system to ensure it meets environmental standards, using wastewater treatment measures appropriate to the type of production. Regularly check and maintain the wastewater treatment system.
    • Labor safety: Design the factory to ensure safety for employees, install danger warning signs, and machinery and equipment protection systems. Provide labor protection equipment for employees and organize periodic training on labor safety.

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    Những vấn đề chính cần cân nhắc trong việc thiết kế, xây dựng nhà xưởng công nghiệp

    Choosing the right type of industrial factory is an important first step in building a solid infrastructure for production activities. Hopefully the useful information shared in this article will help you make the wisest choice for your business needs.

    3. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

    The importance of construction units is undeniable because their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Today, there are many units providing construction design services to meet the increasing construction demand in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. During the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high professional qualifications, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs,... Nowadays, according to feedback from some customers who have contacted Hung Nghiep Phu shows that there are currently many fraudulent units that are construction design consulting companies to scam people for many different purposes. To help customers save time searching, Công ty TNHH Đầu Tư Xây Dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú is confident that it will be the best choice for you.

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    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of bringing the best solutions and services, together with customers to build a prosperous community, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually asserting its brand through Sincere cooperation, with a team of leaders with ethical capacity, creativity, dedication to the profession, and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled and highly qualified staff who will bring customers the best quality projects. 
    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Company Limited - specializes in constructing civil and industrial projects. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as legal procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing processes, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of designing and perfecting the process, please contact us immediately for a free consultation!
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    Source: Collected Internet

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