Date Submitted: 10/09/2024 01:29 PM


Main technical requirements and sequence instructions for construction, inspection and acceptance of paving quality in civil and industrial construction works. Follow Hung Nghiep Phu to read the article below for more details on "construction and acceptance techniques for paving work"!

    1. Technical requirements for paving work


    • Tiles and slabs must meet technical requirements on quality, type, size and color.
    • Binding materials must be of good quality. If the design does not specify, follow the requirements of the paving material manufacturer.

    Base layer:

    • The base layer must be flat, solid, stable, have adhesion to the bonding material and be cleaned of impurities.
    • The base layer height must be suitable for the paving material above. The slope of the base layer must meet technical requirements.
    • With the bonding material being glue, plastic or slabs placed directly on the base layer, the base layer surface must satisfy the requirements stated in Table 1 of this standard.
    • Before paving, the base layer and hidden parts (pre-buried details, waterproofing, technical systems, etc.) must be checked and accepted.

    Quality of the paving layer:

    • The paving surface must ensure the requirements of height, flatness, slope, adhesion to the base layer, thickness of the bonding material, width of the paving joints, color, pattern, decorative shape, etc.
    • If the paving surface is made of natural stones, the stones should be chosen so that the adjacent tiles have harmonious colors and veins.
    • With tiles using mortar as the bonding material, the mortar must be spread evenly on the base layer to ensure that the tile and the base layer are filled with mortar.
    • The paving surface of wooden floor panels must not have cracks or warps. The paving surface of soft tiles must not be blistered or wrinkled.
    • With tiles that must be cut, the cutting and grinding of the edges must ensure that the cut lines are neat and the joints are flat and even.
    • The joints between the tiles and between the tiles and the wall must be filled with joint filler.
    • The tolerances on the paving surface must not exceed the required values ​​in tables 1 and 2.

    Bảng 1 – Dung sai cho phép

    Loại vật liệu lát

    Khe hở với thước 3m

    Dung sai cao độ

    Dung sai độ dốc

    Gạch xây đất sét nung




    Gạch lát đất sét nung




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    Gạch lát xi măng, granito, ceramic, granite, đá nhân tạo




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    Bảng 2 – Chênh lệch độ cao giữa hai mép vật liệu lát

    Loại vật liệu lát

    Chênh lệch độ cao

    Gạch xây đất sét nung


    Gạch lát đất sét nung


    Đá tự nhiên không mài mặt


    Gạch lát xi măng, granito, ceramic, granite, đá nhân tạo


    Các loại tấm lát định hình


    Labor safety in paving work:

    • When paving, you must comply with current regulations on labor safety and fire prevention.
    • With flammable paving materials such as wood, carpet, glue, etc., there must be fire prevention measures during construction.
    • The working environment must be well-ventilated, with measures to prevent poisoning caused by fumes from paving materials and bonding materials.

    2. Technical process of paving work

    Tiling construction:

    Prepare the base layer

    Use a tension rope, level or surveying machine to check the elevation, flatness and slope of the base layer.

    Attach standard paving elevation markers, each room has at least 4 markers at the 4 corners, rooms with large areas should have markers attached in a square grid, the distance between markers should not exceed 3m.

    It is necessary to mark reference elevation markers at a height higher than the paving surface on the wall or column to have a basis for regularly checking the elevation of the paving surface.

    Prepare the tiles

    The tiles must be cleaned, free of dirt, grease and substances that reduce the adhesion between the base layer and the tiles.

    For tiles that can absorb water from the adhesive material, the tiles must be dipped in water and removed to drain before laying.

    The tiles must be inspected according to the corresponding material standards. In this standard, paving bricks are the following types:

    • Fired clay bricks – TCVN 1450: 1986, TCVN 1451: 1986.
    • Fired clay paving bricks – TCXD 85: 1981, TCXD 90: 1981.
    • Glazed ceramic paving bricks – TCVN 6414: 1998.
    • Cement and granito paving bricks – TCVN 6065: 1995, TCVN 6074: 1995
    • Self-locking concrete bricks – TCVN 6476: 1999.
    • Natural and artificial paving stones – according to design requirements.

    Preparation of bonding materials

    Mixing, use and storage of bonding materials must comply with the requirements of the material type. Bonding materials can be cement-sand mortar, ternary mortar, polymer resin or adhesive. With the mortar bonding material, it must comply with TCVN 4314: 1986.

    Paving tools

    It is necessary to fully prepare the necessary tools for the paving work such as: masonry knife, paving trowel, joint trowel, 3m ruler, ruler, rubber hammer, tile cutter, tile grinder, chisel, broom, rag, level or surveying machine.

    The tools must be complete and suitable for the construction requirements for each professional operation. Damaged, old, worn tools, and tools that do not ensure accuracy during construction must not be used.

    Conduct the paving work

    If the bonding material is mortar, the mortar must be spread evenly on a base layer wide enough to pave 3 to 5 tiles. After laying all these tiles, the adjacent tiles can be spread.

    Hướng dẫn trình tự thi công nghiệm thu công tác lát

    Hướng dẫn trình tự thi công nghiệm thu công tác lát

    If the bonding material is adhesive, then lay each tile one by one and the adhesive must be spread evenly on the tile surface attached to the floor.

    If the paving surface is outdoors, it is necessary to divide the expansion joints with a maximum distance between two expansion joints of 4m. If the design does not specify, take the expansion joint width as 2cm, and fill the expansion joint with elastic material.

    The laying sequence is as follows:

    Stretch the string and lay the tiles on the straight line connecting the markers attached to the floor layer. Then lay the tiles within the range of the standard elevation markers, the paving direction is perpendicular to the previously laid direction. The general paving direction for the entire building or project is from the inside out.

    While laying, regularly use a 3m ruler to check the flatness of the paving surface. The flatness of the paving surface is checked in the vertical, horizontal and diagonal directions. Regularly check the elevation of the paving surface based on the reference elevation markers.

    When laying, pay attention to arranging the tiles according to the design pattern.

    Filling the joints

    The work of filling the joints can only be carried out when the tiles have bonded to the base layer. Before filling the joints, the paving surface must be cleaned.

    After filling the joints, wipe immediately to make the joints sharp and clean the paving surface so that the joint filler does not stick and dirty the paving surface.

    Maintenance of the paving surface:

    After filling the joints, do not hit hard before the bonding material is hard enough.

    For outdoor paving surfaces and the bonding material is mortar, there must be measures to protect against sun and rain for (1¸3) days after laying.

    Technical process of wooden flooring construction:

    Preparing the base layer

    The base layer must be prepared according to the design. In the case of wooden floor panels mounted directly on the support or spacer, these details must be firmly fixed with screws or buried in the floor.

    The surface of the base layer must be dry.

    Preparing wooden floor panels

    The wooden floor panels must be of the correct wood type, size, color, and moisture content according to the design. The wooden floor panels can be finished before or after laying.

    Natural wooden floor panels must be inspected according to TCVN 4340: 1994.

    Preparing bonding materials

    The bonding materials must be of the correct type and ensure the quality according to the design. If the design does not specify, follow the requirements of the flooring material manufacturer.

    For natural wooden floor panels, the bonding materials can be nails or screws.

    Tiling tools

    It is necessary to prepare all the necessary tools for the laying work such as: hammer, drill, 3m ruler, ruler, square, chisel, saw, broom, rag, level or surveying machine.

    The tools must be complete and suitable for the construction requirements for each professional operation. Tools that are damaged, too old, worn, or not accurate during construction must not be used.

    Conducting the tiling work

    Before tiling the natural wood floor, the positions of the spacers or screws must be determined by marking on the base layer. The distance between the spacers and screws depends on the size of the wood floor. If using spacers, the surface of the spacers must be flat and stable. Before attaching the wood floor to the base layer, mortise and tenon joints must be made with adjacent panels and the joints must be tightly sealed, then the floor panels must be attached to the base layer with nails or screws.

    When tiling artificial wood floors with accompanying structural layers, the tiling material must comply with the manufacturer's instructions, the adhesive must be spread evenly at the edges of the tiles, then the joints must be tightly sealed.

    Finishing the floor surface

    In the case of using unfinished wooden floor panels, after assembling, the wooden floor surface must be planed, scraped smooth, then sanded from rough to smooth and finally polished, varnished or painted.

    With finished wooden floor panels, they can be polished or painted immediately after laying.

    Maintaining the floor surface

    The floor surface must be protected, not allowed to be walked on or collided during the construction phase, causing scratches or loss of shine.

    3. Technical process for soft paving construction:

    Soft tiles can be synthetic plastic sheets, plastic rolls, carpets, and carpet rolls.

    Preparing the base layer:

    The base layer must be hard, stable, leveled, and cleaned according to the design.

    In the case of using glue or adhesive tape to stick plastic sheets or carpet rolls, the adhesive surface must be smoothed and cleaned of dust before applying the glue layer.

    Preparing the tiles: the tiles must be of the correct type, size, and color.

    Preparing the bonding material

    The bonding material must be of the correct type and ensure the quality according to the design; if the design does not specify, follow the requirements of the flooring material manufacturer.

    In the case of using adhesive as the bonding material; it must be stored and used according to the requirements of the material manufacturer.


    When laying the floor with plastic rolls; the adhesive should be spread on the floor in the horizontal direction of the plastic roll. The bonding is done in strips corresponding to the size of the tile. Stick the edge of the carpet roll to the standard edge; apply strong pressure on the glued area so that the plastic sheet sticks firmly to the base layer. Then roll out the carpet roll, roll to where you want; or use a rubber hammer to push the air forward to stick to the base layer; avoid blistering due to air not being able to escape. Two adjacent plastic sheets must be parallel and tightly fitted, do not let the edges overlap.

    In case of using pins or strips to attach the plastic sheet; or carpet to the base layer, the tile must be stretched before being fixed with pins or strips.

    When laying the floor with carpet or plastic, the edges of the two adjacent sheets must be flat and tight. Pay attention to arranging the pattern correctly.

    4. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

    The importance of construction units is undeniable, their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Currently, there are many units providing construction design services to meet the increasing construction needs in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. In the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high expertise, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs, ... To help customers save time searching, Công ty TNHH Đầu tư Xây dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú is confident that it will be the best choice for you.

    Giày Sneaker en

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of providing the best solutions and services, building a prosperous community with customers, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually affirming its brand through sincere cooperation, with a leadership team with ethical capacity, creativity, high expertise and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled, highly qualified employees who will bring customers the best quality technology.

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. - specializes in constructing civil and industrial works. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as continuous procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing procedures, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of design, completing procedures, please contact us immediately for free consultation!

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