Date Submitted: 14/09/2024 01:54 PM


Compacting the foundation is one of the extremely important technical steps in construction projects because it affects the structure and load-bearing capacity of the project. Only when the foundation compaction work is effective will your house be safe to use and will not cause dangerous phenomena in the future.

1. What is foundation compaction? The importance of proper foundation compaction

Compaction of the foundation is the process of compacting the soil on the surface to create compaction and ensure the solidity of the foundation. Depending on the foundation material, there are appropriate compaction techniques. Foundation materials can be soil, clay, sand or fine sand, lightweight concrete, etc. Instructions for compacting the foundation should be thorough because the more firmly and technically compacted the foundation is, the more solid and durable the structure will be, avoiding phenomena such as subsidence, tilting, broken foundation, etc.

Guidelines for compacting the foundation must be understood by everyone. In addition to the appropriate foundation pouring method, the house foundation compaction process is most focused on to create a solid structure for the house next to the roof structure, beams, etc. If the foundation is not guaranteed to be solid, after use, extremely dangerous phenomena will occur such as:

  • Sinking of the building: This is a common phenomenon for high-rise buildings due to the large load while the foundation structure is not guaranteed or the wrong foundation method is chosen or the homeowner is not instructed to compact the house foundation carefully and then constructs it himself, leading to subsidence. When the house subsides, it is very easy for it to tilt as well as affect the entire structure of the beautiful house design, which is very dangerous.
  • The house foundation is broken and must be re-surfaced with other materials, which is very expensive.

Some types of soil that need to be limited to build the house foundation are clay and porous soil:

  • Clay: poor water absorption capacity, due to the structure being too tight, it does not create a good living environment for microorganisms that need oxygen, leading to limited self-cleaning effect of the soil. Therefore, if using this type of soil, the house is prone to dampness, the floor is prone to water stagnation, flies, mosquitoes, and moths are prone to breed.
  • Porous soil: poor load-bearing capacity, easily leads to the house sinking or tilting, and the water source is often polluted due to domestic wastewater accumulating underneath.

2. Giới thiệu một số cách đầm nền nhà hiệu quả và phổ biến hiện nay

​Currently, there are many ways to compact the foundation that are commonly used in civil works: ramming, roller ramming, vibrating ramming and frog ramming. There are types of ramming that use modern machinery, and types that use human power and support. However, depending on the scale of the area, there are appropriate methods to guide the compaction of the foundation.

  • Ramming: This type of ramming is also known as impulse ramming, which is a type of ramming that uses the kinetic energy of falling objects to act on the ground. Although the time of action is short, the stress causing deformation can still be transmitted deep into the ground.
  • Manual ramming: Simply a type of ramming that does not require automatic machinery and is used in narrow areas where the ramming machine cannot reach. Wooden ramming, concrete ramming, horizontal ramming (weighing 8-10kg) are effective and have low compaction productivity because they are used by human power and have the support of compacting tools.
  • Mechanical rammer: This is also a type of rammer that uses a 2 to 4 ton heavy rammer made of steel or reinforced concrete, suspended from a 5-ton crane, a hammer with a pile driver or an excavator. When ramming, the machine will lift the rammer 3 to 5m high and then fall down on its own. Instructions for compacting the foundation using this method are quite dangerous and are used for large spaces with a crane. The larger the weight, the thicker the layer of soil, the thickness of the compacted layer also depends on the type of soil: with sand from 0.8-1m, with cohesive soil 0.6-0.8m. The number of times of ramming in one place is 3-5 times. The rammer head is limited to loose soil, cohesive soil and rock fill, used to reinforce narrow foundations that cannot withstand the required load. The rammer is about 2m away from the existing structure to avoid vibration. 
  • Instructions for effective compaction of the foundation with ramming technique:

    • Dress from 2 edges to the middle.

    • First, it is necessary to lightly compact the soil by reducing the height of the rammer by about 4 times. When using a rammer hanging from the end of the excavator, each rammer strip should be 0.9 times as wide as the diameter (or smallest side) of the rammer plate. To compact evenly, the maximum crank angle should be 90°. After finishing compacting with a rammer, a layer of soil about 15cm thick is still in a loose state and must be compacted again with a lighter rammer.

    • Compaction of soil in difficult and narrow conditions (filling soil into foundation gaps, etc.) must be carried out by mechanical means such as rammers, vibrating compactors suspended from other machines such as cranes, tractors, excavators, etc. In places that are particularly difficult to compact, small compactors must be used. If compaction by machine is not possible, it must be done manually according to current regulations.

Roller compactor: includes types: smooth hard wheel roller (smooth surface roller), sheepherder roller (sheep foot roller), layered wheel roller (compacting force is applied gradually through the compression of the rollers).

Sơ đồ hướng dẫn đầm nền nhà bằng phương pháp lu bánh cứng trơn

Sơ đồ hướng dẫn đầm nền nhà bằng phương pháp lu bánh cứng trơn

  • Instructions for compacting the foundation using a hard roller: This is the simplest type of compactor; can be towed or self-propelled, through the loading cover, soil or water can be poured into the roller to increase the compaction pressure when necessary. After compacting, the upper soil layer becomes hard; tends to hinder the effect of compaction on the lower soil layer; therefore, the thickness of the compacted soil layer should not exceed 15-20cm, the number of compactions is from 6-10 times.

The surface of the soil layer after compaction is usually smooth and difficult to bond with the next soil layer. This type of compactor is suitable for compacting soil surfaces mixed with rocks and compacting finishing soil layers.

Hướng dẫn đầm nền nhà bằng phương pháp lu chăn cừu

Hướng dẫn đầm nền nhà bằng phương pháp lu chăn cừu

  • Sheep foot roller: Sheep foot roller is also known as roller with rake or goat foot roller. Instructions for compacting the floor with this type of roller are usually designed to be pulled; when compacting, a tractor must be used, on the surface of the roller there are welded tamping lugs; the depth of impact is relatively greater than 30-50cm, the number of compactions is from 6-10 turns. Although the sheep foot roller moves very slowly, it has a much larger load transmitted than the tire roller or hard wheel roller.

Using a sheep foot tamper does not require roughening the soil; high tamping productivity; the soil after tamping becomes a unified whole; especially effective when tamping sticky soil but the humidity is strictly regulated. This type is widely used in irrigation.

Hướng dẫn đầm nền nhà bằng phương pháp lu bánh lốp

  • Tire roller: The structure of a tire roller consists of tires arranged in one row or two rows. These tire wheels can move quickly, so the capacity and working speed of the tire roller are superior to the two types of steel wheel rollers and sheep foot rollers.

The truck body contains soil, sand, stone or cast iron or concrete. Instructions for compacting the floor with a tire roller with a compaction depth of 40 - 45cm. Tire rollers are used to compact loose soil (4-6 passes), and cohesive soil (5-8 passes).

Vibrating plate: Vibrating plate is a type of side vibrator, side vibrator with the creation of vibration force that directly impacts the wall of the formwork containing the concrete mixture to compact the concrete mixture in the mold. Therefore, when using this product, we need to attach the product to the wall of the formwork; and fix them tightly to the wall with screws and bolts. When the product operates, the mold vibrates, compacting the concrete mixture in the mold, giving us a hardened concrete product with the highest quality.

Vibrating machine: the machine works by vibration; there are two types: self-propelled and non-self-propelled. To use this type of machine, the soil moisture must be greater than the static and dynamic types of compactors by about 10 - 12%. Effectively used with loose soil with different particle sizes and small binding force: sand, sandstone, small crushed stone, gravel. Sticky and dry soil such as clay is not suitable for vibrating machines.

3. Instructions for compacting the foundation with notes on compaction techniques you need to know

Note when filling the foundation: Before proceeding with the foundation compaction, it is necessary to have the correct technical measures for filling the foundation.


  • Before filling the soil, all mud or organic soil must be dredged. The thickness of dredging must be based on the actual situation on the site. Instructions for compacting the foundation for dredging work to a depth where the soil at that elevation has a suitable consistency and moisture content B<0.5, and at the same time, drainage of groundwater or surface water must be carried out.
  • If the foundation is flat or has a slope of 1:10 to 1:5, the surface must be roughened.
  • When spreading compacted soil, it is necessary to spread from the edge gradually towards the middle. For weak or water-saturated soil, it is necessary to spread in the middle first towards the outer edge; when filling at a height of 3m, the soil spreading construction changes from the edge towards the middle.
  • The next layer of soil can only be spread when the lower layer has reached the required compaction level according to the design. It is not allowed to fill the foundation of linear works by natural pouring for all types of soil.


Force applied: Instructions for compacting the foundation in static and dynamic compaction methods; the soil must be permanently deformed, inelastic, the soil must be reduced in volume and compacted. To do so, the applied force must be sufficient to overcome the binding force between soil elements; but must not exceed its endurance limit; otherwise, it will destroy the structure of the soil; and will leave wavy soil layers after compaction...

Compacting time: During the compaction process, soil deformation progresses over time. When a force is applied suddenly, the time the soil is in a state of tension is very small compared to the time required for the soil to completely deform. Therefore, to achieve the desired compaction quality, it is necessary to apply force for a certain period of time; or many times.

The two factors of force and time can be overcome by increasing or decreasing the weight (loading part); choosing the speed of the machine when compacting.

Humidity: is an important factor and very difficult to achieve; only with reasonable humidity can compaction be effective. Instructions for compacting the foundation of a house, in order to compact effectively, the soil must have optimal humidity; therefore, during the compaction process, if the soil is dry, it must be watered, and if the soil is wet, it must be moist enough to compact. Watering or reducing the humidity of sticky soil must be done outside the construction site.

Effective foundation compaction tools - instructions for compacting the foundation of a house with a rammer.

A rammer is a type of tool in the list of compaction tools; compacting sand and soil in construction. With this device, the foundation work will be done faster; saving both time and money.

In compacting the foundation, the rammer will perform its function with each 10-15cm layer of soil. That is, after each 10-15cm thick layer of soil; we use the rammer to compact back and forth until the soil is firm and solid. Instructions for compacting the foundation in case the soil is too soft, can be called mud; use an excavator first, when it becomes a soil base, then use a compactor. To check if the soil can be compacted; we can hold a handful of soil in our hand, it is not broken or watery. There should be no notion that pouring water into the soil makes it easier to compact, this is very wrong. It only makes the foundation weaker, compacting the foundation also becomes more difficult.

During the compaction process, always follow the principles of machine operation. Those principles are: check, use according to the purpose of the machine structure; adjust the machine in a reasonable frame. If you detect any abnormal signs of the machine, stop operating immediately. Ask for advice from experienced people, if you do not know about the problem of the machine. Do not hide your defects, like that not only will damage the machine; but it also has the potential to cause injury to us, if the machine is seriously damaged.

​Protective gear will help you feel comfortable while working; you will not have to worry about sand and dirt splashing into your face; into your eyes (protective gear includes not only clothes but also hats, glasses, shoes, gloves). Put the compactor to work intelligently; so that the machine and the person are not stuck between the compactor and solid objects. Observe and evaluate new compacted surfaces; if the surfaces are too rough; then we should pay attention to how to operate the machine very carefully.

4. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

The importance of construction units is undeniable, their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Currently, there are many units providing design and construction services to meet the increasing construction needs in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. In the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high expertise, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs, ... To help customers save time searching, Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. is confident that it will be the best choice for you.

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Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of providing the best solutions and services, building a prosperous community with customers, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually affirming its brand through sincere cooperation, with a leadership team with ethical capacity, creativity, high expertise and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled, highly qualified employees who will bring customers the best quality technology.

Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. - specializes in constructing civil and industrial works. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as continuous procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing procedures, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of design, completing procedures, please contact us immediately for free consultation!

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Source: Compiled from the Internet

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