Date Submitted: 12/09/2024 10:28 AM



Are you worried about preventing leaks in your factory roof? We know that safety and efficiency are important issues in production. Leaks are not only dangerous but also cause serious economic losses. Therefore, follow Hung Nghiep Phu's article below to learn more about how to handle factory roof leaks safely and effectively!

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    1. The main cause of factory seepage and leakage

    Factories, one of the important production bases, often face damage and leaking roofs. In fact, there are six common causes that most constructions encounter, negatively affecting production activities and labor safety.

    The main causes of factory leaks can be listed as follows:

    • Rust or loose screws: After a period of use, screws that are not properly maintained can rust or loosen, creating gaps for water to seep into the roof.
    • Perforated roof: The impact of harsh weather such as heavy rain, strong winds and sunlight can weaken the roof and lead to perforation.
    • Ineffective drainage system: Improper design or ineffective drainage system can lead to rainwater accumulation and corroding the roof.
    • Mismatched joints: When building components are not installed or connected properly, gaps can be created that are susceptible to water infiltration and leakage.
    • Structural gaps and lack of maintenance: Wall joints that are not regularly maintained can allow water to seep in, especially when the structure is not properly cared for.
    • Lack of regular maintenance and repair: Failure to regularly inspect and maintain roofing panels can result in the loss of their leak-proof properties and make them susceptible to damage.

    chống dột hiệu quả2. How to quickly identify a leaky factory?

    To quickly detect leaks in the factory roof and make timely repairs, there are the following methods:

    Direct observation with the naked eye:

    • Carefully observe the condition of the factory roof.
    • Pay attention to signs such as kinks, holes, dust or rust.
    • Check the locations around the roof such as the roof edge, support structure, seams and intersections to detect loss of firmness.

    Check periodically and when in doubt:

    • Schedule regular inspections of the roof to detect early signs of leaks.
    • Determine the inspection time based on the age and conditions of use of the roof.
    • Check immediately if there are any unusual signs such as noise, vibration or change in the shape of the roof.

    Check screws regularly:

    • Make sure the screws on the roof are tight and not loose.
    • Check the screws on the entire roof, especially in high load areas such as ridges, seams and intersections.
    • Replace old, poor quality or damaged screws to ensure the strength of the roof.

    Locate the exact location of the damage:

    • Use measuring and inspection tools carefully to locate the damage on the roof.
    • Make sure to accurately identify the damage location for correct and effective repair, minimizing unnecessary time and effort.
    • Check for heavy rust spots:
    • Look for and check for heavy rust spots on the roof surface.
    • Use tools such as a thick mop to find rust spots.
    • Prioritize repairing heavy rust spots to prevent further development of the rust.

    Through the above methods, you can quickly identify and repair factory roof leaks, thereby ensuring a safe working environment and unaffected work performance.

    mái tôn bị dột do thủng lỗ

    3. How to effectively handle leak-proof factory roofs for each item

    Factories play an important role in industrial production activities. However, factory leaks can be dangerous and disrupt the production process.

    3.1 Replace and reinforce screws

    Regular maintenance and replacement of screws:

    • Perform periodic maintenance on the roof to check the condition of the screws.
    • Check and identify screws that are loose, broken or otherwise damaged.
    • Use a suitable tool (such as a screw driver or a wrench) to remove and replace damaged screws, ensuring that the new screws selected are of the appropriate size, material and features for the roof.

    Reinforce damaged parts:

    • Carefully check damaged parts on the roof, such as joints, roof edges and attachment points.
    • Use appropriate repair and reinforcement methods to fix the damage. Methods may include the use of waterproofing materials, adhesives or other techniques to enhance the strength and tightness of the roof.

    Use of adhesives or waterproofing patches:

    • Use adhesives or waterproofing patches to protect the roof from penetration through large nail holes.
    • Apply adhesives or waterproofing patches to large nail holes and gaps in the roof, ensuring that the adhesive or waterproofing patch is applied firmly and covers all gaps.

    3.2 Handling punctured roofs

    For small punctures:

    • Use silicone glue or cement to patch it.
    • Apply a small amount of silicone glue or cement to the puncture site and use a suitable tool to remove the flat surface to create a temporary waterproof and protective coating for the corrugated iron roof.

    For large punctures:

    • Use a cold screw to temporarily shoot into the hole before applying the glue.
    • Use a cold screw of the appropriate size and shoot into the puncture site to temporarily block the water and prevent the hole from further developing.
    • Then apply silicone glue or cement to patch it and create a final waterproof coating.

    In case of severe damage to the corrugated iron roof:

    • The entire corrugated iron sheet needs to be replaced.
    • If the damage cannot be repaired or affects the anti-leakage properties of the corrugated iron roof, replacing the entire corrugated iron sheet is the best solution to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the corrugated iron roof.

    3.3 Preventing leaks in factories due to weather effects

    Clean and inspect the corrugated iron roof periodically:

    • Periodically clean the corrugated iron roof to remove dust, leaves, dirt and other objects on the roof surface.
    • Check the corrugated iron roof to detect the appearance of holes, leaks or damage. Pay special attention to checking the joints, attachment points and edges of the corrugated iron roof.
    • If any damage is detected, take timely repair measures to prevent rainwater from entering.

    Timely maintenance and repair:

    • Monitor and maintain the drainage system including drain pipes, manholes, water pipes and sewer systems to ensure they are not clogged and operate effectively.
    • Repair gaps, cracks and holes in corrugated iron roofs with suitable waterproofing materials such as silicone glue, waterproofing membranes, specialized waterproofing materials, etc.
    • For adjacent areas such as corrugated iron roof edges and gaps in corrugated iron sheets, ensure that they are well protected and maintained by using waterproofing materials and secure connection methods.

    In addition, some important points should be noted:

    • Monitor the weather and conduct regular maintenance checks before and after heavy rains or bad weather.
    • Increase inspection and repair of damage or technical errors on corrugated iron roofs as soon as they are detected.
    • Install effective drainage systems to ensure that rainwater is regulated and drained away from the corrugated iron roof effectively.
    • By implementing the above measures, you can minimize leakage and ensure that your factory is safe and water-resistant in all weather conditions.

    3.4 Methods of preventing factory leaks at joints

    The method of leak-proofing joints can be done as follows:

    Using silicone sealant:

    • First, clean the joint area by removing dust, grease and other obstructions.
    • Apply silicone sealant to the two joint surfaces. Use a silicone sealant gun to ensure even and accurate coverage.
    • Place the two joint surfaces in position and press them together. The pressure helps the silicone sealant to be distributed evenly and achieve optimal efficiency.
    • Wait until the silicone sealant is completely dry, follow the instructions on the packaging or from the manufacturer for the required time.

    Use new sheet metal:

    • If the joint is damaged or not strong enough, you can use new sheet metal to overlap that position.
    • Place the sheet metal on the joint position and make sure it covers the gap or crack.
    • Use screws to fix the sheet metal to the workshop. Choose screws that are suitable for the building material and make sure they are tight.
    • Apply glue to the joint surface of the corrugated iron sheet to increase the tightness and ensure that no water can penetrate the gap.
    • Wait until the glue is completely dry before continuing to use the factory.

    Note: These methods are for reference only and depend on the specific situation and conditions of the factor.

    3.5 Preventing leaks in the factory at the joint of the wall gap

    Use cement mortar or waterproofing tape for corrugated iron roofs:

    • First, clean the area where the roof meets the wall by removing dust and dirt.
    • Use cement mortar or roofing waterproofing tape to seal the gap. Apply this waterproofing material over the entire gap, ensuring tightness and waterproofing.
    • Use a suitable tool (such as a brick or brush) to ensure that the cement mortar is applied evenly and firmly to the wall gap.

    Use wider roofing sheets and secure with screws:

    • Choose a sheet that is wider than the current sheet to cover the wall gap.
    • Place the new sheet in place and use screws to secure them to the roof and wall gap.
    • Make sure to use screws that are suitable for the building material and ensure they are tight to increase strength and waterproofing.
    • Note that waterproofing the factory at the wall gap may require technical and construction skills.

    Waterproofing at the broken corrugated iron roof or water stagnation:

    During the use of corrugated iron roofs, corrugated iron may break or form water stagnation, causing the risk of water seepage and damage to the factory. However, to overcome this problem and ensure effective waterproofing, you can take the following measures:

    Repairing broken corrugated iron:

    • Use screws to drill into the broken corrugated iron. Make sure to choose screws that are suitable for the corrugated iron material and corrugated iron size.
    • Use wire to tie to the broken position and slowly pull the wire to return the deformed, folded areas to their original state. This process will ensure the strength and durability of the structure.

    Waterproofing at the broken corrugated iron:

    • If the broken corrugated iron shows signs of water seepage, you can use waterproof silicone glue to cover the broken position. Make sure to apply enough silicone glue evenly on the gap to prevent water from seeping in.
    • Avoid stepping on the broken corrugated iron to avoid further deformation and maintain the stability of the corrugated iron roof.


    • Repairing broken corrugated iron and waterproofing requires technical knowledge and construction skills.
    • If the job is more complicated or requires expert advice.

    4. Construction process of leak-proofing factory roofs according to correct techniques 

    Roof leak prevention is an important factor to protect and maintain safety in your factory. This process includes the following specific steps:

    Step 1: Treating holes in the corrugated iron sheet:

    For small holes:

    • Use silicone glue to fill the hole. Make sure to choose a waterproof silicone glue that is suitable for the corrugated iron material.
    • Apply the silicone glue evenly and completely to ensure tightness and waterproofing.
    • Wait for the silicone glue to dry completely according to the manufacturer's instructions before continuing to use the corrugated iron sheet.

    For large holes:

    • Recommended to replace the corrugated iron sheet to ensure absolute safety and effective leak prevention.
    • Remove the old corrugated iron sheet by removing the screws or other fastening methods. Pay attention to safety and use the appropriate tools to perform this process.
    • Replace the old corrugated iron sheet with a new one. Make sure to choose high quality corrugated iron sheets that are compatible with the existing corrugated iron roof.
    • Attach the new corrugated iron sheets to the position using precise methods and ensure firmness.

    Note: the use of silicone glue is only suitable for small holes. In case the hole is too large or the corrugated iron sheet is seriously damaged, replacing the corrugated iron sheets is the best solution to ensure safety and effective anti-leakage ability of the factory roof.

    Step 2: Clean and carefully check the damaged roof area:

    Clean the damaged roof area thoroughly after repairing the leak:

    • Remove dust, dirt, and other objects from the damaged roof area. Use a brush or mop to clean the area.
    • Make sure the roof area is completely clean before continuing with the inspection and maintenance steps.

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    Check and inspect for rusted screws:

    • Check the screw locations on the roof carefully, especially near the damaged area.
    • Identify screws that are rusted or otherwise damaged. Rusted screws can cause water seepage and damage to the roof.

    Remove old damaged screws and replace with new ones (if the roof is still usable):

    Use a suitable tool (such as a screw driver or a wrench) to remove and replace old damaged screws.

    Make sure to select new screws that are the correct size and material for the roof material and ensure they are tight.

    Note that replacing screws only applies when the sheet metal is still usable. In case the sheet metal is seriously damaged, replacing the entire sheet metal is the best solution.

    The process of cleaning and carefully checking the damaged area of ​​the roof after fixing the hole helps ensure that the roof is maintained and kept in good condition.

    Step 3: Applying anti-leakage glue to the factory roof:

    Using specialized anti-leakage glue:

    • Choose the right sealant for your roofing material and environmental conditions. Make sure to choose a sealant that is water-resistant, heat-resistant and has high adhesion.
    • Carefully read the instructions from the sealant manufacturer to ensure proper application and conditions.

    Apply the sealant:

    • Prepare the roofing surface by cleaning the area where the sealant is to be applied. Remove dust, grease or other obstructions.
    • Use a brush or roller to apply the sealant to the roofing surface. Make sure the sealant is applied evenly and strongly, covering the entire area where the sealant is to be applied.
    • Apply light pressure when applying the sealant to ensure the sealant penetrates into gaps and joints.

    Follow the drying time:

    • Wait for the sealant to dry completely according to the manufacturer's instructions. Follow the required drying time to ensure the effectiveness and waterproofing ability of the sealant.
    • Note that the process of applying the roofing adhesive must be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions and comply with safety regulations. Make sure to use personal protective equipment and appropriate equipment to avoid danger and accidents.

    Step 4: Using fiberglass mesh and protective adhesive layer:

    Stick the small-hole fiberglass mesh on the newly applied adhesive layer:

    • After applying the initial layer of anti-leak glue, use a brush or roller to carefully apply the fiberglass mesh to the glue layer.
    • Make sure the fiberglass mesh is evenly and tightly spread on the roof surface, covering the entire area that needs protection.

    Apply a second layer of glue to cover the mesh and let it dry naturally:

    • After applying the fiberglass mesh, continue applying a second layer of glue to the roof surface and the mesh.
    • Make sure the glue covers the entire fiberglass mesh and covers the roof surface evenly.

    Wait for the glue layer to dry naturally:

    • Let the glue layer dry naturally according to the manufacturer's instructions. This ensures the effectiveness and waterproofing ability of the glue layer and fiberglass mesh.
    • The process of using fiberglass mesh and protective glue layer helps to increase the durability and tightness of the roof. The second layer of glue and fiberglass mesh increases the fixation and waterproofing, while creating a strong and waterproof surface. Follow safety regulations and use personal protective equipment when performing this process.

    Step 5: Check and Finish:

    Check the leak-proofed area carefully:

    Check each area where the factory has been waterproofed to ensure that there are no more leaks.

    Check the treated areas, using glue, fiberglass mesh and other measures to ensure tightness and waterproofing.

    Check whether the screws have been shot into the old corrugated iron holes:

    Check whether the screws have been shot into the old corrugated iron holes correctly and sufficiently, ensuring the firmness and stability of the corrugated iron roof.

    The screws need to be tight and ensure that there is no looseness to avoid water seepage.

    Test by raising water to the newly waterproofed areas:

    • Test the firmness of the corrugated iron roof by raising water to the recently waterproofed areas.
    • Check that there is no water seepage or leakage and ensure the tightness of the corrugated iron roof.

    The inspection and completion process helps ensure that the waterproofing steps have been performed correctly and effectively. Ensuring the strength, water resistance and durability of the roof is very important to ensure the safety and durability of the factory.

    5. Notes when constructing roofing to ensure efficiency and safety

    Here are some important notes during the construction and installation of corrugated iron roofs:

    Choosing materials and installation methods

    Using beams and insulation paper:

    • Avoid using beams containing chromium or copper: These substances can corrode the corrugated iron roof. Choose beams that are safely treated.
    • Use the right insulation paper: Insulation paper helps to insulate and reduce noise. Choose high-quality insulation paper and ensure accurate cutting and installation.

    Avoid contact between incompatible elements:

    • Copper and lead should not come into contact with galvanized iron: This will cause a chemical reaction and corrode the corrugated iron roof. Use compatible materials such as stainless steel to avoid this.

    Make sure that no cement sticks to the corrugated iron roof:

    • Protect the corrugated iron roof when working with cement: Avoid direct contact and clean immediately if cement sticks to the corrugated iron roof to avoid unwanted corrosion.

    Clean the iron surface and remove excess screws:

    • Clean the iron surface before installation: Make sure the iron surface is free of dust and grease before installing the corrugated iron roof.
    • Remove excess screws: Check carefully and use only the necessary number of screws to avoid damage and corrosion.

    When installing and waterproofing the factory roof: 

    To ensure that the installation and waterproofing of the factory roof takes place properly and effectively, the following notes are necessary:

    • Make a work plan: Clearly define the stages and order of installation to ensure that all activities take place in a harmonious and effective manner, from preparation to completion.
    • Use appropriate tools and equipment: Make sure the tools and equipment used are suitable and specialized. This not only increases efficiency but also ensures worker safety and protects the roof from damage.
    • Follow the installation process: Carefully read the instructions and installation process from the roofing manufacturer to ensure that no important steps are missed and errors are avoided during the construction process.
    • Work carefully: Install the roof and other parts of the factory carefully. Avoid collisions or impacts on the roof to ensure the strength and durability of the system.
    • Periodic inspection and maintenance: After installation, perform periodic inspections to detect possible problems early. Periodic maintenance helps the roof maintain its leak-proof properties and increase the life of the project.

    Popular materials for leak-proofing factory roofs:

    • Roofing tape: Used to seal gaps and joints between roof panels to prevent water from seeping in.
    • Foam and gasoline: Usually placed under the roof panels for insulation and waterproofing.
    • Leak-proof corrugated iron sheets: These are waterproof corrugated iron sheets, often used in industrial roofing systems.
    • Special screws: Used to fix the corrugated iron roof panels to the factory structure, ensuring that they are sturdy and water does not seep into the screw attachment points.
    • Corrugated iron roof leak screens: Prevent insects, leaves and impurities from entering the factory from outside.
    • Silicone roof glue: Used to connect and protect joints, seal gaps on the roof surface.

    Note: The choice of corrugated iron roof leak-proofing materials depends on the actual situation and specific conditions of the factory roof.

    6. Experience in waterproofing factory from professional construction contractors

    To ensure safety and production efficiency, leak-proofing of corrugated iron roofs is extremely important. Experience in leak-proofing corrugated iron roofs:

    • Survey and assessment of the current status: Before construction, the contractor always conducts a detailed survey of the current status of the corrugated iron roof. Workers assess leaks, rust, holes and determine the locations that need to be repaired meticulously.
    • Check joints and drainage systems: Ensure joints are solid and the drainage system is operating effectively to avoid the risk of leaks and risks to the factory.
    • Design and construction of anti-leak corrugated iron roofs: Choose quality materials and carefully design to ensure the safety and durability of the corrugated iron roof.
    • Choose a contractor and complete the work: Choose a reputable contractor and carry out the work according to a strict process to ensure quality and efficiency.
    • Infrastructure upgrade and acceptance completion: Add and upgrade infrastructure to improve the stability and safety of the factory, ensuring all stages are completed before putting into use.

    7. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

    The importance of construction units is undeniable, their reputation will ensure the quality and aesthetics of your project. Currently, there are many units providing design and construction services to meet the increasing construction needs in our country. Therefore, finding a reputable unit is not easy and requires you to spend time researching. In the selection process, you need to research carefully and ensure that the accompanying unit must have high expertise, many years of experience, have a clearly signed contract, transparent costs, ... To help customers save time searching, Công ty TNHH Đầu tư Xây dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú is confident that it will be the best choice for you.

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    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of providing the best solutions and services, building a prosperous community with customers, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually affirming its brand through sincere cooperation, with a leadership team with ethical capacity, creativity, high expertise and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled, highly qualified employees who will bring customers the best quality technology.

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. - specializes in constructing civil and industrial works. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as continuous procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing procedures, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of design, completing procedures, please contact us immediately for free consultation!

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