Date Submitted: 18/06/2024 04:12 PM



At factory and factory construction projects, the MEP system plays a very important role. This is the MECHANICAL - ELECTRICAL system in a construction project that ensures stable operation and comfort of the projects. Only if this system is stable will construction operations proceed smoothly.


 In fact, integrating MEP elements in the construction and construction process requires high expertise and techniques. Extensive knowledge of the latest regulations, standards and technologies in this field is required to ensure the sustainability, safety and efficiency of the system. Join Hung Nghiep Phu to learn details about MEP electromechanical systems through the article below!

    1. Definition of MEP system

    1.1. Concept

    MEP system is an acronym for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing which is a system related to electricity, water, and mechanics in construction projects. These systems play a key role in the operation and maintenance of architectural works, while ensuring efficient and safe production and working activities in the factory.

    1.2. Interpretation of MEP

    • M - Mechanical (mechanical system): includes  heating systems, air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, fire protection systems and other systems belonging to the mechanical operating system.
    • E - Electrical (electrical system): includes power supply system, lighting system, electrical control system,...
    • P - Plumbing (water supply and drainage system): includes water supply system, drainage system, wastewater treatment system and even fire fighting system...

    >>> See more: What is M&E electromechanical system?

    MEP là gì

    2. Details of main items of the MEP system

    The MEP mechanical system includes 4 main items:

    2.1 Ventilation and air conditioning system category

    An HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system is a form of exchanging quality air sources into a certain space. This is an important part of the MEP system in construction projects. The HVAC system has the function of regulating temperature, humidity and air quality in different spaces such as offices, production areas, etc. in the factory. The main purpose of this is to remove unnecessary factors such as temperature, humidity, bacteria, odors, smoke, dust and CO2 from the air.

    HVAC systems are designed based on scientific principles of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics. The goal of installing an HVAC system is to create a working environment with appropriate temperature and humidity, ensuring human health and performance.

    HVAC system includes:

    • Air Handling Unit (AHU) includes parts such as fans, filters, hot/cold coils, heaters... This is a device with large capacity, capable of exchanging heat and processing heat. air according to the criteria of temperature, humidity, and cleanliness.
    • Air handling equipment (Fan-Coil Unit - FCU) is a device with a small capacity, has a simpler structure than an AHU, but can also exchange heat and treat air. Common types of FCU include wall/ceiling type; hidden wall/ceiling type; wall-mounted style,… 
    • Chiller system is a system that creates cold water, usually placed on a rooftop or closed machine room, then supplies it to AHUs and FCUs to cool the air.
    • Central air conditioning system (Variable Refrigerant Flow - VRF) is a system capable of adjusting the flow of circulating fluid, thereby changing capacity according to the needs of the space. VRF is often installed on the roof or in a basement technical room. 
    • Local air conditioning is a single air conditioning system, often installed directly in spaces that need cooling.


    Nowadays, ventilation systems in buildings are mainly:

    - Mechanical ventilation: Rotating turbines exchange air by converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. This type of system is often found in electrical appliances such as fans, air conditioners, air purifiers, etc.

    - Natural ventilation: Based on the difference in air pressure, this system will help filter the air within a certain range. Typical examples include skylights, ventilation doors, etc.

    Hệ cơ điện MEP(hình minh họa, nguồn: Internet)

    2.2. Electrical system category

    The electrical system is the most important system in the factory, accounting for the majority of the work volume, sometimes up to 80%. This is the main power supply for the building including heavy electricity and light electricity.

    - Heavy electricity: This is a power source that plays an important role in the design drawings of electromechanical systems, specifically:

    •  Main power supply system: This is where the medium voltage cabinets, lines, transformers, automatic voltage regulation system, RMU and intermediate relays are located.
    • Electrical distribution cabinet system: Main source of electricity for production, lighting, etc.
    •  The lighting: system serves daily needs.
    • Socket system: Found in many places in the building to serve the electricity needs of electrical equipment.
    • Emergency lighting system: Can be mentioned as exit and emergency lights to indicate escape in case of construction incidents.
    • Includes lightning rods and grounding stakes to prevent heavy rain accompanied by lightning.

    - Light Electricity (ELV): This is a high-tech electrical system that serves the comfort and benefit of users. Although the contribution is not much (about 10 - 20%), it determines the quality of the whole project, specifically:

    • Network and internet system: This is a computer network system connected worldwide to meet needs such as study, entertainment, work,...
    • Telephone system: Has a fixed range of use in buildings, companies, organizations, etc. to serve internal communication purposes.
    • Security surveillance cameras: This is an indispensable part in ensuring security, order, and safety for people and property.
    • Public communication system: Helps with integration by switching world circuits through telephone operators.


    • Hệ cơ điện MEP(Hình minh họa, nguồn: Internet)

    2.3 Categories of water supply and drainage systems and sanitary equipment

    The P&S (Plumbing & Sanitary) system is a water supply and drainage system, considered an indispensable part of the MEP system of high-rise buildings and in industrial factory constructions. A basic P&S system in a factory consists of 3 main parts as follows:

    - Water supply system 

    This is the system that plays the role of providing water for production, daily life and fire prevention activities in the factory. This system includes an internal water supply system and an external water supply system:

    • The internal water supply system includes water pipes to areas in the factory, main pipe system, branch pipes, and control valves. The branch and distribution pipe system is responsible for delivering water to cleaning equipment, factory production equipment and fire-fighting equipment.
    • The external water supply system is connected to the city water supply or uses a specialized water supply system, depending on the function and scale of the project. The system includes water supply pumping stations, main and distribution pipe networks, and water meters.

    The water supply system must ensure clean, safe water according to state regulations and ensure water pressure is high enough to supply to water supply stations and ensure water savings when used.

    - Drainage system

    Normally, in a factory, a drainage system includes:

    • Rainwater drainage system: Rainwater is a natural source, environmentally friendly, can be discharged directly outside without treatment and does not harm pipes and sewers. 
    • Domestic drainage system: After being used, domestic wastewater is reused for other purposes such as watering plants in the area around the factory or for use in sanitary areas. 
    • Industrial wastewater drainage system: Industrial wastewater contains potential sources of metals and compounds that are difficult to decompose, causing environmental pollution, so it cannot be discharged directly outside but must go through a treatment system to remove the substances. 

    - Waste water treatment system 

    The wastewater treatment system will have different treatment technologies depending on the requirements, level and scale of the factory. But basically there are the following components:

    • Mechanical treatment: using methods such as filtration, sedimentation, separation, etc. to separate dirt, large solids, grease, etc. from wastewater. 
    • Chemical treatment: using methods such as neutralization, precipitation, oxidation,... to balance the pH, make wastewater clearer and decolorize, remove metals, organic substances,... 
    • Biological treatment: using methods such as activated sludge, UASB tank,... using microorganisms living in aerobic, anaerobic conditions,... to decompose organic pollutants in wastewater.

    2.4 Fire alarm and fire fighting system items

    The fire alarm and fire fighting system is an essential and mandatory system in the factory, including equipment used to detect, alarm, and promptly prevent fires from occurring, helping to minimize the occurrence of fires. Unwanted losses from people and property. This needs to be paid attention to and seriously implemented to help prevent and limit damage to people and property when a fire or explosion occurs. The system must be arranged and installed in locations appropriate to the function of the factory, usually installed by a professional, reputable unit and strictly inspected and supervised before being put into use.

    Fire prevention and fighting systems are solutions to prevent and intervene in current fire incidents. This system includes 2 main parts:

    • Fire prevention system: Helps promptly detect fire and explosion risks occurring within the viewing range.
    • Fire suppression system: The current fire suppression system mainly uses three types: water, foam and gas. Depending on the cause of the fire, the appropriate type will be used to extinguish it.


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    3. Summary

    The MEP system plays an important role in the operation and maintenance of the project, while ensuring efficient and safe production and living activities in the factory. This system also contributes to creating a working environment with suitable temperature and humidity, good air quality, energy saving and environmental protection. 

    Hopefully this article has provided useful knowledge about this system in construction. Hung Nghiep Phu - with a team of employees who are engineers, skilled workers, and construction supervisors. Hung Nghiep Phu's projects are always carried out on schedule, ensuring absolute technical safety for the project. Contact Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. for advice today!



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