Date Submitted: 06/06/2024 04:19 PM


In the modern factory environment, temperature and humidity control play a later role in ensuring work performance, worker health and asset protection. Due to production characteristics, factories often have many machines and heat dissipation equipment and high worker passwords, leading to internal temperatures that are often higher than the outside environment. This article will provide massage solutions in factory construction.

    1. Natural cooling solution in factory construction

    Natural cooling solution is a method of using natural elements such as wind, sunlight, trees, etc. to reduce the temperature inside the factory, providing a cool, comfortable and economical working environment. save operating costs.

    Below are details of effective natural cooling solutions in factory construction:

    1.1. Reasonable factory design

    • Factory direction: Choose a reasonable factory direction to limit direct exposure to sunlight, especially during peak hours of the day. Southeast or Northwest directions are ideal factory directions for minimizing heat absorption.
    • Factory shape: The factory design has an aerodynamic shape that helps minimize heat absorption and improve air circulation. Dome or pyramid shapes are optimal choices.
    • Construction materials: Use construction materials with good thermal insulation properties such as lightweight concrete, insulated panels, insulated corrugated iron roofs, etc. to limit heat transfer inside the factory.
    • Roof: The roof design is high, sloping and has ventilation doors to facilitate effective heat escape. Try to use a highly reflective roof to minimize heat absorption.
    • Windows: Install insulated windows and use blackout curtains to limit the penetration of heat from the outside. Windows should be placed in locations that can receive natural wind.

    1.2. Take advantage of natural wind

    • Ventilation doors: Install ventilation doors in windy locations to create natural air circulation. It is necessary to design ventilation doors of appropriate size and have insect screens to prevent dust and insects from entering.
    • Roof ventilation system: Install a roof ventilation system to take advantage of the Venturi effect, naturally drawing hot air out. This system is highly efficient and does not consume electricity to operate.

    1.3. Plant trees around the factory

    Trees have the ability to absorb heat, create shade and provide oxygen, helping to reduce the temperature inside the factory and create fresh air.
    Arrange trees appropriately around the factory, avoiding blocking ventilation doors and windows. You should plant trees with wide canopy and thick leaves to create the best shading effect.

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    2. Cooling solution using reflective paint in factory construction

    2.1. What is reflective paint?

    Reflective paint is a type of paint that has the ability to reflect sunlight well, helping to minimize heat absorption for the applied surface. In factory construction, the use of reflective paint on roofs, walls and other surfaces can contribute to effective cooling, energy saving and environmental protection.
    2.2. Mechanism of action

    • Reflecting light: Reflective paint contains special pigment particles that can reflect infrared (IR) rays - the main source of heat energy from sunlight.
    • Reduce heat absorption: When IR rays are reflected, the amount of heat transmitted inside the factory will be significantly reduced, helping to lower the interior temperature.
    • Effective cooling: Thanks to its good heat reflection ability, reflective paint helps reduce factory temperature, creating a cooler and more comfortable working environment.

    2.3. Advantages of heat-resistant solutions using reflective paint

    • High cooling efficiency: Reduces roof and factory wall temperatures by up to 10 - 15°C.
    • Energy saving: Reduces the need to use air conditioning systems, saving energy and operating costs.
    • Environmental protection: Reduce CO2 emissions due to reduced electricity use.
    • Extend roof life: Protect roof from harmful UV rays, increase durability and longevity.
    • Environmentally friendly: Safe for users and the environment, does not contain toxic chemicals.
    • Reasonable cost: The price of reflective paint is relatively cheap compared to the cooling effect it brings.

    2.4. Some notes when using reflective paint

    • Choose the right type of paint: You need to choose a good quality reflective paint, suitable for the climatic conditions and construction surface.
    • Prepare the construction surface: The construction surface needs to be clean, dry and flat before painting.
    • Correct construction techniques: Construction according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the best cooling effect.
    • Periodic maintenance: Clean the painted surface periodically to maintain effective reflective ability.

    2.5. Application of reflective paint in factory construction

    • Roof paint: This is the location directly exposed to sunlight so the cooling efficiency is highest.
    • Factory wall paint: Helps reduce heat absorption on walls, contributing to interior cooling.
    • Paint other surfaces: Reflective paint can be used on other surfaces such as yards, parking lots, etc. to minimize the heat island effect.

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    3. Cooling solutions using insulation materials when building factories

    3.1. What is insulation?

    Insulation materials are materials that have the ability to limit heat transfer, helping to minimize heat exchange between the inside and outside environments of the factory. The use of insulation materials in factory construction plays an important role in controlling temperature, creating an effective cooling environment and saving energy.

    3.2. Classification of insulation materials

    • Sheet insulation material

    - Mineral wool: High insulation efficiency, good fire resistance, environmentally friendly.
    - EPS foam: Cheap price, easy to construct, but low fire resistance.
    - XPS foam: High thermal insulation effect, good fire resistance, but the price is higher than EPS.
    - Polycarbonate plastic panels: Transparent, allowing natural light to enter the factory, good thermal insulation effect.

    • Spray-on insulation

    - Polyurethane foam (PU): High insulation efficiency, good adhesion, but high price.
    - Cellulose foam: Cheap, environmentally friendly, but has lower insulation efficiency than PU.

    • Loose insulation material

    - Rice husk: Cheap price, easy to find, but low thermal insulation effect, needs anti-termite treatment.
    - Perlite: Good thermal insulation effect, good fire resistance, but high price.
    3.3. Advantages of cooling solutions using insulation materials

    • High thermal insulation efficiency: Helps minimize heat transfer inside the factory, keeping the temperature cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
    • Energy saving: Reduces the need to use air conditioning systems, saving energy and operating costs.
    • Environmental protection: Reduce CO2 emissions due to reduced electricity use.
    • Improve construction quality: Helps control humidity, prevent mold, increase construction durability.
    • Improve working environment: Create a cool, comfortable working environment, improve labor efficiency.

    3.4. Some notes when using insulation materials

    • Choose the appropriate material: It is necessary to choose the type of insulation material suitable to the climate conditions, factory structure and investment budget.
    • Correct construction techniques: Construction according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure the best thermal insulation effect.
    • Periodic maintenance: Periodically check and maintain the insulation layer to maintain efficiency.

    3.5. Location of insulation materials when building a factory

    • Roof: This is the location directly exposed to sunlight, so the thickest layer of insulation needs to be applied.
    • Factory walls: Helps minimize heat transfer through walls, contributing to interior cooling.
    • Factory doors: Doors and windows are also heat leaks that need to be insulated.
    • Factory floor: Insulating the factory floor helps minimize heat transfer from the ground.

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    4. Fan cooling solution in factory construction

    4.1. High volume low speed (HVLS) fan

    What is a low speed fan (HVLS)?

    High Volume Low Speed ​​fan is a factory cooling solution that operates on the principle of creating a large, slow-moving vortex of air, covering the entire factory space, helping to lower the temperature and create a cool feeling for workers.

    • Principle of operation

    - Propeller design: HVLS propellers are large in size, have a wide wingspan, and are designed in the shape of an airplane wing to help create a large vortex of air.
    - Slow rotation speed: HVLS fans operate at slow rotation speed, usually from 50 - 150 rpm, helping to save energy and reduce noise.
    - Vortex airflow: Vortex airflow created by HVLS fans moves slowly, spreading evenly throughout the factory space, helping to lower the temperature and create a cool feeling for workers.

    • Advantages of anti-heat solution using HVLS fans

    - High cooling efficiency: HVLS fans can lower factory temperatures by 5 - 10°C, creating a cool feeling for workers without using an air conditioning system.
    - Energy saving: HVLS fans consume less power than air conditioning systems, helping to save operating costs.
    - Low installation cost: The cost of installing HVLS fans is lower than that of an air conditioning system.
    - Simple maintenance: HVLS fans have a simple structure, easy to maintain and repair.
    - Create a comfortable working environment: The swirling wind created by HVLS fans helps circulate air, improving air quality in the factory, creating a comfortable working environment for workers.
    - Safe to use: HVLS fans operate at slow rotation speed, the fan blades are designed to be safe, not dangerous to users.

    • Some notes when using HVLS fans

    - Choose the appropriate fan type: It is necessary to choose an HVLS fan with a capacity and wingspan suitable for the area and height of the factory.
    - Installation location: HVLS fans should be installed in a high position, in the center of the factory to ensure the best cooling effect.
    - Combine with other cooling solutions: HVLS fans can be combined with other cooling solutions such as misting systems, canopy,... to increase cooling efficiency.

    4.2. Ventilators

    • Fan type

    - Centrifugal fan: Large air flow, high pressure, suitable for long and complex ventilation systems.
    - Axial fan: Medium air flow, low pressure, easy to install and maintain.
    - Roof fan: Installed on the roof, taking advantage of the Venturi effect to suck hot air out.

    • Installation location:

    Install ventilation fans in high and low positions in the factory to create a natural convection effect. Arrange ventilation fans regularly throughout the factory area to ensure effective air circulation. Combine ventilation fans with windows and ventilation doors to increase cooling efficiency.

    • Advantage

    - High cooling efficiency, especially when combined with other natural anti-heat solutions.

    - Save operating costs compared to air conditioning systems. Easy installation and maintenance.

    • Defect

    - Cooling effect depends on external climatic conditions. Can create noise if the right fan is not selected.

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    4.3. Industrial fan

    • Fan type

    - Wall-mounted fan: Saves space, easy to install.

    - Standing fan: Large air flow, suitable for large spaces.

    - Floor fan: Moves flexibly, can adjust wind direction.

    • Advantage

    Large air flow, effective cooling for large areas. Can adjust wind direction, focusing cooling on specific areas. Cost savings compared to air conditioning systems.

    • Defect

    Higher power consumption than ventilation fans. May create loud noise.

    4.4. Mist fan

    – Operating principle: Water is sprayed into fine mist particles, evaporating in the air, reducing the ambient temperature. Combine fans to create cool air that spreads throughout the factory.

    - Advantage:

    + High cooling efficiency, especially in environments with low humidity.

    + Create a cool and comfortable feeling for workers. Reduce dust in the air.

    - Defect

    + Increased humidity in the factory, which may affect some types of products.

    + It is necessary to use clean water to avoid clogging the misting system. Higher power consumption than ventilation fans and industrial fans.

    5. The importance of cooling solutions in factory construction

    5.1 Effects on worker health

    The working environment can affect many factors of factory workers:

    - Hot working environment: leads to heatstroke, dehydration, fatigue, reduced ability to concentrate, and increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

    - Work efficiency decreases: error rate increases, affecting product quality.

    - Risk of occupational accidents: due to loss of concentration, reduced reflexes.

    5.2 Effects on machinery and equipment

    The factory environment is also important to the quality of machinery and equipment:

    - High temperatures reduce the lifespan of machinery and equipment, increasing repair and maintenance costs.

    - Machine performance decreases: affecting production progress.

    - Causes risk of fire and explosion due to overheating.

    5.3 Effects on products

    Products manufactured in factories are also an issue that needs attention when talking about the factory environment:

    - High temperature and humidity affect product quality, especially environmentally sensitive products.

    - The rate of defective products increased, leading to waste of raw materials and production costs.

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    6. Factors to consider when choosing cooling equipment

    6.1. Heat load

    Heat load refers to the total amount of heat generated by equipment and processes in your facility. To choose the right industrial chiller, it is important to conduct a detailed assessment of your heat load. This assessment involves calculating the heat output of each machine and process.

    6.2. Environmental conditions

    Consider the climate and surroundings of your facility. Some cooling technologies work better in specific environments.

    For example, air-cooled chillers are effective in places with moderate temperatures, while water-cooled systems are suitable for areas with abundant water resources.

    6.3. Maintenance and reliability

    - Make sure the cooling system you choose is reliable and easy to maintain to avoid downtime.

    - Confirm that maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and replacing components, can be performed easily.

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    6.4. Energy efficiency

    Choose energy-efficient cooling solutions to reduce operating costs and environmental impact. Think features like variable speed drives, precise temperature control, and heat recovery options.

    6.5. Ability of extension

    Choose a cooling solution that can grow with your business and adapt to changing needs. Whether you need more cooling capacity or need to downsize due to changing needs, a scalable system will help you optimize your investment.

    6.6. Cost of ownership

    Consider not only the upfront costs but also the long-term costs associated with the chosen cooling system (energy consumption, maintenance, repairs, spare parts, etc.)

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    7. Instructions for designing and placing vents and fans to maximize airflow and heat dissipation

    7.1. Understand the principles of air circulation

    - Natural convection principle: Hot lighter air will rise and escape through high vents, while cooler and heavier air will move from the outside in through the vents. vent in low position.

    - Venturi effect: When air moves through narrow or constricted slots, the flow speed increases, creating low negative pressure, drawing in more air.

    7.2. Determine where vents and fans will be located

    •  Install vents at the highest position of the factory to release hot air.
    •  Install vents in the lowest position of the factory to receive cool air.
    •  Arrange vents regularly on the walls and roof to create effective natural convection.
    •  The size and number of vents depends on the factory area, climatic conditions and ventilation needs.


    • Install an exhaust fan in a high position to push hot air out.
    • Install the blower fan in a low position to draw in cool air.
    • Use HVLS fans (low speed, high volume fans) to create swirling airflow that covers the entire factory space.
    • Arrange fans appropriately to ensure airflow moves evenly throughout the factory.

    7.3. Design vent size and shape

    Vent size depends on factory area, climatic conditions and ventilation needs. Vents with mesh shapes, louvers or narrow slits should be used to optimize air circulation efficiency.

    Wind deflectors can be used to direct airflow and increase ventilation efficiency.

    7.4. Choose the appropriate fan type

    • Choose a fan with a capacity suitable for the factory area.
    • Choose a fan with air flow appropriate to ventilation needs.
    • Choose a fan with low noise to ensure a comfortable working environment.

    7.5. Some notes when designing and arranging vents and fans

    • Avoid placing vents and fans opposite each other to avoid creating cross-drafts.
    • Make sure the vents and fans are protected from insects, dust and external environmental factors.
    • Vents and fans should be periodically maintained to ensure best performance.

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          Applying effective heat-resistant solutions in factory construction brings many practical benefits to businesses. Therefore, choosing and investing in suitable cooling solutions is extremely important for investors and factory managers.

         Hung Nghiep Phu – specializes in constructing industrial and civil projects. If you have any needs, please contact the company for advice today!



     Fanpage: Công ty TNHH Đầu Tư Xây Dựng Hưng Nghiệp Phú (興業富)

     Hotline: 1800.3368



    Address: No. 2034D, Group 22, Phuoc Thai Quarter, Thai Hoa Ward, Tan Uyen Town, Binh Duong Province



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