Date Submitted: 11/09/2024 09:01 AM


The house column is an important vertical structure that works to support the foundation to bear the load on the column foundation. It often happens that after removing the formwork, the concrete column surface is pitted. So how to pour concrete columns and what causes the concrete to be pitted?

In the construction of houses and construction works in general, the situation of honeycombed concrete columns is very common. The manifestation of concrete pitting is that the surface has small holes and the depth has not reached the steel reinforcement, only about 1 - 3mm.

However, there are types of deep pitting that have reached the steel reinforcement inside. If this condition is not treated, after the house is completed, it will quickly crack, weakening the load-bearing capacity of the structure, seriously affecting safety. Therefore, the way to pour concrete columns without pitting is very important and needs to be treated immediately before pouring concrete. If this situation occurs after removing the formwork, there will be a temporary solution.

    1. Find out the cause of concrete pitting?


    • Pouring the stone mix is ​​not reasonable, the stone size is not even or there is too much sand.
    • Pouring the concrete mixture is not even. The way to pour concrete columns without holes must start from the preparation step.
    • Pouring concrete too dry. When pouring wooden boards with high moisture absorption, before pouring concrete, not watering enough moisture, especially when the weather is dry and hot, the wooden boards absorb all the water of the concrete. This pitting phenomenon cannot be ignored because the thickness of the concrete layer protecting the steel reinforcement according to the engineer's design is only allowed to be just enough. The pitting surface will make the thickness of the protective concrete layer smaller than the specified level, so it will not ensure the quality when protecting the steel reinforcement. Thus, one of the ways to pour concrete columns without holes is to maintain the moisture of the concrete.
    • Pouring the formwork is not tight enough to cause the cement mortar to flow out, especially under the foot of the foundation, the foot of the column, the bottom of the beam. When the formwork is open, water will also flow out, causing the concrete to dry out.

    There are also some other reasons that lead to the concrete column being pitted when removing the column formwork that we need to learn to know how to pour concrete columns according to standards and techniques.


    2. How to pour concrete columns correctly according to standards to ensure the quality of concrete columns

    ​The detailed column construction process includes the following steps:

    • Determine column position, determine column center, column axis;
    • Steel erection step;
    • Erection of formwork (column formwork);
    • Pour concrete column;
    • Dismantle formwork;
    • Decorate column accordingly.

    In the steps mentioned above, according to the column construction process, the steps of formwork erection and column concrete pouring have an impact and are the direct cause of the column being pitted, so we introduce how to pour concrete columns without pitting as well as how to install formwork to meet standards and techniques.

    First, before proceeding with the column concrete pouring method, the formwork must be checked.


    • The formwork legs must be in the correct position, firmly ensuring that when pouring concrete, it will not be displaced; the column formwork must be supported, anchored, and plumbed to ensure that the column does not tilt or bulge.
    • If it is a round column formwork, people will usually order it in advance at the factory to assemble it according to the size of the column because assembling round formwork is very difficult and not feasible, especially for large columns, assembling round formwork by yourself is impossible. With this method, we do not need to calculate the round column formwork ourselves.
    • To proceed with the method of pouring concrete columns without holes, we must pay attention to watering enough to moisten the formwork (if it is a wooden formwork) from the beginning to avoid absorbing all the water from the concrete while waiting for dismantling.

    Second, how to pour concrete columns according to standards

    Step 1: Prepare before pouring concrete columns

    • Prepare machinery and equipment to ensure the concrete pouring process
    • Clean and rinse the formwork and steel before pouring concrete
    • A very important way to pour concrete columns without holes is to mix concrete with the correct mix according to standards; the correct proportions of elements such as sand, water, gravel, etc., then mix well. If using pre-mixed fresh concrete, you must choose high-quality concrete.
    • Before pouring concrete, pour a layer of cement mortar about 10 - 13cm thick to avoid concrete holes.

    Step 2: Put concrete into the pouring block through the pouring door through the pouring chute.

    Step 3: Concrete must be poured continuously and should not be stopped arbitrarily.

    Conduct the method of pouring concrete columns without holes with a height of less than 5m; for 3-storey villas, it should be poured continuously for heights above 5m; then use the method of drilling holes in the middle of the formwork to insert concrete from the outside in; in stages but must ensure the position and structure of the construction stop joint is reasonable.

    Step 4: The rammer is brought inside to ram vertically; use a rammer to ram, the depth of each rammed concrete layer is about 30 - 50cm, the ramming time is about 20 - 40s/time.

    Pay attention during the ramming process to avoid misaligning the steel. The concrete should be rammed tightly; carefully and technically because it directly affects the quality of the concrete.

    Pour the column concrete in order from far to near from inside to outside; start at the low place first, pour in layers, and after pouring each layer, compact that layer.

    Step 5: Pay attention to concrete maintenance after removing the formwork

    • The minimum time to remove the formwork is between 36 - 48 hours.
    • After removing the curing, it must be maintained continuously; within 2 – 4 days to ensure workability of concrete.


    3. Some notes on how to pour concrete columns without holes


    • Mix the concrete in the correct proportion and standard (if it is self-mixed concrete)
    • Erection of the formwork tightly and make the formwork moist enough; pay special attention in dry weather.
    • In the case of pouring concrete columns without holes but with little reinforcement; pay attention to ensure that the reinforcement is not twisted and bent. Pour concrete columns with thick reinforcement; pay attention to tamping thoroughly at the corners and tapping the outer wall of the formwork; so that the concrete does not have holes in the protective layer. Pay attention to positioning the waiting steel ends from the column foundation in the correct position of the vertical steel of the column. Column stirrups do not need to be the same throughout the height of the column; double the number of stirrups at the steel overlap position (usually at the base of the column).


    4. Introducing a reputable design & construction consulting service provider

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    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. with the mission of providing the best solutions and services, building a prosperous community with customers, Hung Nghiep Phu is gradually affirming its brand through sincere cooperation, with a leadership team with ethical capacity, creativity, high expertise and strategic vision. Hung Nghiep Phu owns a team of skilled, highly qualified employees who will bring customers the best quality technology.

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Co., Ltd. - specializes in constructing civil and industrial works. We look forward to accompanying customers in construction projects as well as continuous procedures such as planning diagrams, applying for construction permits, completing procedures, applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates, ... If you have any questions or are in need of design, completing procedures, please contact us immediately for free consultation!

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    Source: Compiled from the Internet

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