Date Submitted: 23/07/2024 11:34 AM



Designing as-built drawings is a procedure that ensures legality after the project is completed. This is an important document in the prescribed completion procedures. To understand specifically about this drawing and related regulations, please join Hung Nghiep Phu to find out specific information in the following article.

    1. As-built drawing

     1.1. What are as-built drawings?
     As-built drawings 
    are drawings of completed construction parts and construction works. It shows the actual size compared to the design size, established on the basis of approved construction design drawings. As-built drawings are drawings that record all the details of the actual items and works performed.

    The drawing most accurately reflects the current state of the house after construction. Information in the drawings will show whether the project is different from the design before construction or not. The details in this drawing will most honestly reflect the structure and area of ​​the house. 

    Once you know what this drawing is used for, you can also know how it differs from construction drawings. If the procedure for applying for a construction permit must include construction drawings, then the procedure upon completion of construction will require an as-built design. Therefore, the construction unit and the homeowner need to pay attention to this procedure to avoid trouble with the authorities when the house comes into use.

    In a general sense: The as-built drawing is essentially a copy of the current state of the item's components as well as each part or completed project based on the coordinate system and elevation system of the project. used for construction.

    1.2. Why do we need to prepare as-built drawings for the house?

    Proceeding to prepare as-built drawings of housing will:

    • Helps homeowners understand the condition and exact location of items when repairing and maintaining the house. 
    • Completion procedures are also necessary documents to complete payment to the contractor. 
    • Legally, construction drawings are the basis to help state agencies determine whether the homeowner has followed the construction permit or not.

    What is the reason for needing to prepare as-built drawings?

    • It is an important basis for acceptance of the project once completed.
    • Is the basis for being able to pay for the project.
    • As-built drawings help state agencies clearly understand the reality of the construction project. From there, everyone can use it correctly and in accordance with the actual capabilities of the projects.
    • Help research agencies and inspection agencies when necessary find data related to the project.
    • It is an important basis to help protect your construction works.

    1.3. What is the role of construction completion drawings?

    Here are the 6 main roles when preparing sample as-built drawings:  

    • As-built drawings show variations in construction details and dimensions between design drawings and reality. Helps homeowners understand the condition and exact location of items when repairing and maintaining the house.
    • As-built sample drawings are the basis for carrying out the acceptance phase of construction items and the completed construction being put into use.
    • Helps the unit clearly understand the structure and structure of the project, to use it for the right purpose and to support future renovation and expansion work.
    • Determine whether the project is built according to the requirements of the original design or not.
    • Mark the time to complete payment to the contractor and end construction contract obligations. Is the basis for making payments and settlement.
    • Legal basis to prove that the project is carried out in accordance with regulations in construction law with competent authorities.

    1.4. What is the classification of as-built drawings?

    According to regulations in the field of housing construction, as-built drawings will have the following 6 types:

    – As-built design for construction work

    – As-built design of construction parts

    – As-built design when installing equipment

    – As-built design during the construction phase

    – As-built design for each item

    – As-built design for the overall project.

    – Completion design in other special cases such as: foundation completion, embankment completion, boundary wall, etc.

    1.5. Comparison between as-built drawings and design drawings
    Similarities between as-built drawings and design drawings:

    • They are all built based on the same coordinate system, elevation and scale. 
    • Ensure complete similarity in the method of expressing minor details and construction items on the overall construction project in general.

    Differences between as-built drawings and design drawings:

    • The biggest difference between these two types of drawings is the change in post-construction size. Differences compared to the original design drawings are shown based on the actual construction of the project, not the architect changing the design idea or modifying the drawing so that the deviations may be more or less. , depending on the actual construction of each project.
    • There are also cases where the project after construction meets the standards according to the design drawings. At this time, the design drawings can be used in both: The construction completion phase, the construction unit, the supervision unit or the investor do not need to re-create the drawing of the completion mark template anymore.

    1.6. When to prepare construction completion drawings?

    Current law does not define when an as-built drawing is prepared. But based on some of the meanings and uses of as-built drawings. Thus, the time to prepare as-built drawings is when the construction work/construction work items have been accepted.

    • To save time and update construction progress on time.
    • As-built drawing samples are prepared in parallel with the construction acceptance.

    On the other hand, at any stage of acceptance of a project/construction item, the department corresponding to that stage will prepare the corresponding construction completion drawing.

    1.7. Who signed the as-built drawing?

    Pursuant to Appendix IIB issued with Decree 06/2021/ND-CP: As-built drawing cover form prepared by the construction unit/construction contractor. It must contain the signatures and stamps of the following people/organizations:  

    Case 1: Construction in the form of construction other than general construction contractor

    • Preparer (belonging to the construction contractor);
    • Construction commander or project director;
    • Chief supervisor consultant.

    Case 2: Construction in the form of general construction contractor

    • Drawing maker;
    • Commander or project director of the subcontractor;
    • Commander or project director of the general contractor;
    • Consulting chief supervisor.

    Thus, depending on the form of construction of the project, whether it is a general construction contractor or not, the construction completion drawing cover form requires signatures of different parties.

    As-built drawing signers: Supervisory consultant, drawing maker; The person responsible for the project or project director, general contractor and subcontractor.

    Through the signatures and confirmations of the parties, it represents the agreement and acceptance of the units/organizations. It is also the basis for determining the responsibilities of the parties for the construction project.

    1.8. How long does it take to complete once the as-built drawings have been drawn up?
    The time to complete the house is not determined specifically because it must be based on the following 2 timelines:

    • Time to prepare documents and submit documents to register ownership of houses on land: The owner chooses to do so;
    • Handling requests to register ownership of houses on land: No more than 30 days if it is the first registration or issuance of books. No more than 15 days if it is a change registration (Decree 01/2017/ND-CP).

    Some things to note when completing individual housing:

    - Making construction completion drawings is taking photos of construction design drawings. Signed by the contractor and confirmed by the preparer. 

    - In case, building a house without a diagram (drawing) in accordance with:

    • Current status of housing and construction works in documents proving housing ownership;
    • The owner must prepare a house plan when carrying out procedures to register property ownership on land. (Article 8 of Circular 24/2014/TT-BTNMT).

    The construction completion time for individual houses is carried out after the construction completion drawing sample is available. Include:

    • Time taken for the owner to prepare documents to register housing ownership;
    • And request processing time.

    This time is not specifically determined, but can be based on regulations on time for resolving land-related administrative procedures according to Decree 01/2017/ND-CP.  In conclusion, it takes the owner at least 15 days to complete the completion procedures.

    1.9.  Does making construction completion drawings cost money?

    In principle, construction completion drawings are prepared by the construction unit and contractor. Pursuant to Decree 06/2021/ND-CP:

    • The list of as-built drawings is captured from the construction design drawings of individual housing projects;
    • Or create a new one if necessary.

    Below are 4 commonly encountered cases of making construction as-built drawing cover samples:

    Thi công xây dựng mà do chủ sở hữu nhà ở tự thực hiện, tự lập bản vẽ Trường hợp này sẽ không mất phí
    Tổ chức cá nhân có đủ điều kiện năng lực theo quy định lập bản vẽ thiết kế thi công Trường hợp này chi phí sẽ được tính gộp là chi phí thuê đơn vị có chuyên môn lập bản vẽ thi công xây dựng.
    Hạch toán riêng biệt theo giai đoạn
    • Chủ sở hữu công trình cũng không phải chịu phí khi lập bản vẽ hoàn công. 
    • Do đây là trách nhiệm của bên thầu xây dựng.

    Trên thực tế, có một vài trường hợp:

    • Theo thỏa thuận, 
    • Hoặc các bên muốn lập mẫu bìa bản vẽ hoàn công mới, 
    • Hoặc chủ thầu không thực hiện/thực hiện không đầy đủ
    Chủ đầu tư có thể vẫn chịu khoản chi phí lập bản vẽ mẫu dấu hoàn công xây dựng cho căn nhà của mình.

    2. What are the regulations on as-built drawings?
    2.1. Who is responsible for preparing as-built drawings?
    As-built drawings are prepared immediately after completing a part or construction item.


    • For hidden construction parts, as-built drawings must be prepared. 
    • Or measured to determine actual dimensions and parameters before proceeding with the next job.

    Construction contractors are responsible for preparing as-built drawings according to the project categories and construction projects they construct.

    In case of joint venture contractors:

    • Each member of the joint venture is responsible for preparing as-built drawings corresponding to the work they perform. 
    • Do not authorize other members of the joint venture to perform.

    2.2.  Components signing as-built drawings (Responsibilities)

    • Prepare construction completion records, 
    • Acceptance 
    • And jointly responsible for the quality of construction works, 
    • Ensure the signing of minutes and acceptance documents.

     Construction unit

    • Share responsibility for project quality;
    • Participate in signing and accepting completed construction
    • And fulfill all obligations as established in the construction contract.

    Construction consulting and supervision unit (if any)

    • Participate in testing, 
    • Sign and confirm construction completion drawings.

    Project design unit

    • Participate in project acceptance according to the investor's request,
    • Re-create the drawings according to reality, in case there are changes in construction compared to the original permit.

    2.3. Some requirements when preparing as-built drawings

    Trường hợp:

    • Các kích thước, thông số thực tế của hạng mục công trình, công trình xây dựng 
    • Không vượt quá sai số cho phép so với kích thước, thông số thiết kế
    • Thì bản vẽ thi công được chụp lại 
    • Và được các bên liên quan đóng dấu, ký xác nhận lên bản vẽ để làm bìa bản vẽ hoàn công.


    • Các kích thước, thông số thực tế thi công có thay đổi 
    • So với kích thước, thông số của quy định về thiết kế bản vẽ thi công được phê duyệt 

    Thì cho phép nhà thầu thi công xây dựng ghi lại:

    • Các trị số kích thước, thông số thực tế trong ngoặc đơn bên cạnh; 
    • Hoặc bên dưới các trị số kích thước, thông số cũ trong tờ bản vẽ này;
    Trong trường hợp cần thiết
    • Nhà thầu thi công xây dựng có thể vẽ lại bản vẽ hoàn công mới, có khung tên bản vẽ hoàn công mới nhất. 
    • Tương tự như mẫu dấu bản vẽ hoàn công quy định tại Phụ lục IIB kèm theo Nghị định 06/2021/NĐ-CP;
    Đối với các bộ phận công trình bị che khuất 
    • Phải được lập bìa bản vẽ hoàn công 
    • Hoặc được đo đạc xác định kích thước, thông số thực tế trước khi tiến hành công việc tiếp theo.
    Trường hợp nhà thầu liên danh 

    Từng thành viên trong liên danh có trách nhiệm:

    • Lập bản vẽ hoàn công phần việc do mình thực hiện.
    • Không được ủy quyền cho thành viên khác trong liên danh thực hiện.

    3. How to present and prepare as-built drawings correctly

    3.1. Represent and prepare as-built drawings of construction work
    The person in charge of direct construction techniques of the construction contractor takes pictures of the design and construction drawings of the work of acceptance and installation of static equipment.

    At the scene: Technician in charge of measuring and drawing completed construction:

    • Record any changes in actual construction values 
    • Compared to the design value in parentheses placed immediately below the design value, 
    • Show details of changes and additions on the copy and sign list of construction drawings. 

    In case there is no change in parameters, the design drawing is the as-built drawing.

    Upon acceptance: After checking the results of completed measurements and drawings, it is found to reflect the actual construction reality. 

    • Construction supervisor of the investor's project;
    • Or the general contractor's construction supervisor;
    • For the general contract form, the general contractor checks the completed measurement and drawing results and signs for confirmation.

    3.2. How to make as-built drawings of construction parts, construction stages, construction items and projects

    How to make as-built drawings is as follows:

    The technical person in charge takes photos of all construction drawings approved by the investor and keeps the title frame intact, without changing the design drawing number.

    On site: The technical person in charge of measuring and drawing completes construction and prepares drawings as follows:

    • In case the dimensions and parameters are not changed or adjusted, the design drawing is a list of as-built drawings.
    • In case of changes:
      • Record the actual construction values ​​that change compared to the design values ​​in parentheses below the design values;
      • Cloud outline of change details;
      • Add and show details of such changes and additions;
      • Right on the drawing there are changed or additional details or on blank spaces of another drawing.
    • If there is no space on these drawings, it should be shown in a new drawing with a drawing number that does not coincide with the numbers of existing design drawings.


    • The drawing must clearly state the full name and signature of the person making the drawing. 
    • The legal representative of the construction contractor must sign and stamp the legal entity.
    • In addition, above the title frame of the drawings must be stamped with the as-built drawing stamp of the construction contractor.

    Upon acceptance: After checking the results of completed measurements and drawings to see that they reflect the actual construction reality:

    • Construction supervisor of the investor's project 
    • Or the general contractor's construction supervisor 
    • For the general contract form, the general contractor checks the completed measurement and drawing results and signs for confirmation.

    4. As-built drawing stamp sample: (02 samples)
    4.1 Form of completion stamp 2022 (form 1)

    The following is a sample of completion stamp according to Circular 10:




    Người lập

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chức vụ, chữ ký)

    Chỉ huy trưởng công trình hoặc giám đốc dự án

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chữ ký)  

    Tư vấn giám sát trưởng

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chức vụ, chữ ký)

    Note: The form of general construction contractor contract does not apply. Mark size depends on font size.

    4.2 Form of completion stamp according to Decree 15 (form 2)




    Người lập

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chức vụ, chữ ký)

    Chỉ huy trưởng hoặc giám đốc dự án của nhà thầu phụ

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chữ ký)

    Chỉ huy trưởng hoặc giám đốc dự án của tổng thầu

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chữ ký)  

    Tư vấn giám sát trưởng

    (Ghi rõ họ tên, chức vụ, chữ ký)

    Note: Applying the form of general construction contractor contract. Mark size depends on font size.

    5. Frequently asked questions related to the completion process

    5.1 To which agency should I submit construction completion documents?

    Tại Sở xây dựng

    Đối với những công trình xây dựng:

    • Cấp đặc biệt,
    • Cấp 1, 
    • Công trình tôn giáo, 
    • Di tích lịch sử…

    Do UBND TP quy định.

    Tại UBND quận, huyện
    • Đối với nhà ở riêng lẻ của người dân 
    • Và các công trình xây dựng khác thuộc địa giới hành chính quận, huyện.
    Tại Ban quản lý đầu tư và xây dựng các khu đô thị mới, khu công nghiệp, chế xuất, khu công nghệ cao Đối với công trình xây dựng ở trong khu đó;
    Tại UBND xã Đối với nhà ở riêng lẻ thuộc địa giới hành chính xã

    5.2 How much does it cost to prepare as-built drawings?

    According to regulations on completion procedures, the cost of making a completed document cover ranges from 15 million VND to 30 million VND, including:

    Fee for making construction drawings: Depends on each implementing unit, usually ranges from 10,000 - 15,000 VND/m2 of construction floor and registration fee: Is 1% of the total value of the house.

    Pursuant to Decree 45/2017/ND-CP, which has been partly amended by Decree 23/2013/ND-CP in Clause 11, Article 4. Regulating cases where registration fees are not required are: 

    • Household housing;
    • Individuals create through individual housing development. 

    If your house falls into this case, the cost of completing the house does not include registration fees but only includes basic construction tax.

    6. What does the completed dossier include?

    Completion documents include the following documents:

    1 Giấy phép xây dựng

    Hợp đồng xây dựng của chủ nhà ký với:

    • Các nhà thầu khảo sát, 
    • Thiết kế, 
    • Thi công, 
    • Giám sát thi công xây dựng.
    3 Kết quả khảo sát xây dựng
    4 Kết quả thẩm tra thiết kế
    5 Hồ sơ tuân thủ quy định về  thiết kế bản vẽ thi công (quy định về hồ sơ thiết kế bản vẽ thi công)
    6 Bản vẽ hoàn công
    • Danh mục vật liệu, 
    • Cấu kiện, 
    • Thiết bị có nguồn gốc, xuất xứ
    8 Kết quả thí nghiệm, kiểm định (nếu có)

    Văn bản thỏa thuận, chấp thuận, xác nhận của các tổ chức, cơ quan Nhà nước có thẩm quyền (nếu có) về: 

    • An toàn phòng cháy, chữa cháy; 
    • An toàn vận hành thang máy, điều hòa không khí trung tâm.
    10 Biên bản nghiệm thu hoàn thành công trình nhà ở đưa vào sử dụng của chủ nhà

    7.The land cannot be transferred because completion procedures have not been completed

    In case the land cannot be transferred because completion procedures have not been completed, then:

    The buyer can only sign a notarized contract to transfer land use rights but cannot transfer the house located on the land. This also means that the home buyer only has the right to use but not the right to own.

    To have ownership recognized, individuals must complete completion procedures. Then update the existing assets on the land to be granted a certificate of land use rights, ownership of houses and assets attached to the land.

    8.  When must completion procedures be carried out?

    Completion is carried out after the investor and contractor have completed the construction in accordance with the construction permit. 

    This is the basis and foundation for the competent state agency to issue and replace the pink book (house ownership certificate) attached to the land to the owner.

    9.  In case of completion of an illegally built house

    The completion stamp form is the recording of property information on land (newly built house) into the land use rights certificate according to the provisions of law. Therefore, when building without a permit, you will be subject to administrative fines, directly affecting the completion procedures.

    Above is important information surrounding construction completion cases. Hopefully these shares from Hung Nghiep Phu will help customers in the process of completing housing.

    Hung Nghiep Phu Construction Investment Company Limited - specializes in completing civil and industrial projects. We hope to be able to accompany customers in construction projects as well as legal procedures such as preparing planning documents, applying for construction permits, completing works, and applying for fire prevention and fighting certificates. fire, etc. If you have any questions or are in need of designing and completing a project, please contact us immediately for a free consultation!

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